Network Marketing Help

Not an Add,an Answer

by Marty
Marty Freshman  
I am new to the internet and I still find it interesting how people can sit in front of a computer and communicate with each other,but here I am doing the same.

My reason's for joining this group aren't just to make money,they are to answer some questions for myself.

The thing is I am involved in a business and it is a very worthwhile one.I say this because it involves the environment.

My question is.

If I know the products work and the compensation plan is brilliant.How do I promote it?

Everytime I ask this question,I get bombarded by people telling me to join their programme or become an affiliate.I am not interested in any of this.My reason's are that my product's reduce the Geenhouse effect by reducing ground emmissions.They save the environment.They work.Making a healthier world for my kid's that's money in the bank.Tell me is anything more worth while.

Marty Mcgorm
Mar 28th 2008 02:02

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Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
Hi Marty
so sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. I would first ask yourself about what your promoting budget is like? Do you have money put aside to do advertising, buy leads etc? ALSO there are alot of GOOD safelists out there, write up an article on greenhouse gases, then give people several options on how to reduce it themselves, one of the options being...of course....the link to your product website.

Write a blog/article about how you feel about greenhouse gases and the state our ecology is in due to pollutions and then tell everyone what you are doing about it. Etc

Check out the FREEBies groups here at apsense, there is alot of free advertising sources to be had there.

Please let me know if I can be of more help!
Apr 7th 2008 15:33   
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