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An Andy Rooney Rap Session

by Paula Gaon
Paula Gaon Senior  
Do you know who Andy Rooney is? The wry, witty, fuss-budget octogenarian who's been appearing on CBS's 60 Minutes forever? Andy always has a grip about something and vents his spleen without shame, all the while posing pointed questions about things that probably aggravate many of us. Could it be that this is why Andy's lived to be an octogenarian and is still so with it? So, for the next few days, let's have a real Andy Rooney Rap Session a get whatever's been bugging you off your chest--whether in  NetMarketing, the neighbors' dog, TV commercials, whatever.
OK, so here's mine. Everybody's probably seen by now those Turning Numbers, Security Codes that many web sites for programs have. We all understand that they are a necessary aggravation these days because so many bad guys out there could automatically sign us up for programs that we have absolutely no interest or need for. But why the heck do so many of them have to be illegible? Yes, many of them have a sound option, but many of us prefer to go about our Web business with the speakers off, and not have unexpected messages blared out at us. From my experience, these turning numbers are graphic files, as opposed to text. One would assume that robots are scanning for text, and can't read any graphic file. So why the *#@ do the security codes have to look like something that a two year old wrote, then put out on the barn yard for the chickens to scratch?  Really, do we need the extra eye strain? Does anyone know why security codes have to be so blasted illegible?

Now let's hear what's been bugging you!
Mar 24th 2008 10:35

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Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
How about " Membership Confirmation Emails" that don't show up until 350 Days Later, AFTER you sign up for something?

I'm talking about legitimate stuff like AARP... I signed up for them ( Only after they gave me a free account) and then it took almost a year for them to confirm my account.. Meanwhile they kept sending me all kind of notices to RENEW my membership....( LOL! )

Plus a outright BLIZZARD of junkmail... Hee Hee! If I hadn't been in the marketing business, I could have easily gotten rich from RECYCLING all that junk... :)
Mar 24th 2008 11:28   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
How about those "marketing systems" whose representatives call you on your business phone to give you a sales pitch on a "$3999 e-book.
Mar 24th 2008 11:32   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Yeah, Cheryl... If they only knew that all of the stuff that they bothered to compile into an e-book (Web 1.0), is now free to the world (Web 2.0) or available at the local library ( Web 0.1) or the local bookbank ( Web 00.1) For FREE! LOL! :)
Mar 24th 2008 11:40   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Peaceful... what do you mean you're AARP material? eligible? I thought you were a youngster
that was a little too smart for his own good! lol...

aggravation? when a primary email account gets swamped with spam ... and this after 3 years of an amazing number of interacctions with responsible marketers who don't do this to you!

I don't know how it happened.... ugh!
Mar 24th 2008 11:47   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
How about "Can't Fail...." ect. Business seminars, that have to cancel because of lack of interest... Duh..
Mar 24th 2008 12:05   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Do you really want me to start on this?

Gripes? How many do you want?

My number one gripe at the moment is an advert for sanitary towels that is broadcast in childrens TV time with a stupid, wordless but catchy tune designed for kids to remember. The supermarkets are full of small kids and this bloody tune!

Number two gripe. Queue jumpers! This is a fine art in Spain and done so innocuously that you forget to stop them when they try.

Number three. People who have a conversation from the top of the block with somebody at the bottom. It is really galling to have to listen to the bellowing that goes on.

Number four. People with minds like tape recorders. They can repeat, verbatim, the opinions they have heard others express but are unable to formulate a single simple idea of their own.

Number five. Idiots who drive with high intensity front fog lights on in the rain. They must see from the effects of other people's high intensity front fog lights that these are highly dangerous - the wet road surface doubling the amount of glare they produce.

Number six. People who will talk about you behind your back but haven't the guts to tell you to your face.

Number seven. Children who demand things and are allowed to shout, rudely, at their parents.

Number seven. Parents who will tollerate any degree of disgusting behaviour from their own brats but are the first to complain about the brats of others.

Number eight. A postal service that gets a letter from Spain delivered to an address in England in two days but which cannot do the job the other way round because there isn't a daily postal delivery in Spain. I especially dislike it when I get three deliveries within a week because I know there will not be another for a fortnight.

Number nine. People who think that letting their dogs chase after their car while they drive slowly through a park is a clever way of walking the dog. I can't believe that they don't know what they are missing.

Number ten. People who start a sentence with "Not that I am prejudiced ....." or whatever. Of course they are or they wouldn't try to deny it.

Will those do for starters?

I daren't begin my list of gripes about life on line.

Mar 24th 2008 13:24   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
hmmm....I'm gonna say people who sit around and *itch about things..oh wait! LOL!

What really bugs me is people who think they are better than others or that they somehow have all the answers...I mean c'mon, GET OVER YOURSELVES!!

Quit being so damn proud and LEARN HOW TO LAUGH AT YOURSELF AND ALL YOUR FLAWS ALREADY. And quit whining every time something doesn't go your way!
Mar 24th 2008 17:31   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Garnet,

What really bugs me is people who think they are better than others or that they somehow have all the answers...I mean c'mon, GET OVER YOURSELVES!!

What a strange reaction to these posts.

Does it not occur to you that it is quite possible to bitch (in spades) while working towards a solution to a problem? After all, to solve a problem, you first have to recognise and acknowledge it.

Some problems, of course, cannot be solved but that does not mean that you have to simply resign yourself and give up the curative powers of a good bitching session.

The question was asked - "What gripes you?"

Does answering that question imply an exhalted self opinion or inflated ego?

I do agree with you that those who think they have all the answers are very annoying - especially for me, who has only questions.
Mar 24th 2008 17:45   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
Gas prices....Gas prices..and the price of EVERYTHING!
Mar 24th 2008 19:33   
Rio Guzman Advanced   Writer
The price of everything in Southern California. But let's take it on stride guys. Don't let it bother you; life is too short. Enjoy the ride!
Mar 24th 2008 20:39   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
LOL...Arthur, that wasn't a reaction to these posts but to the question what gripes me. To go a little further into it, people who sit around a bitch but never do anything to change their situation would be the one's I have a gripe with...which leads me to another thing that both gripes me and obviously I am guilty of myself...people who POORLY COMMUNICATE what they are trying to say...aw heck good thing I'm HUMAN!
Mar 24th 2008 21:58   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
More Detail and gripes....

In my OFF-Line life I have many people who complain all day long about the kids, the job, the high fuel prices, the ridiculous cost of putting their children into minor hockey, the government, their mother, their father, their sister, their brother, their neighbor who complains too much, that they don't get to watch enough TV, that they never get to go anywhere and basically everything and anything else life entails(I could go on for days with all the complaints I have and still seem to entertain(or dread).

To go even further I still run into people who I have not seen for many many years and it's just like time never passed at all because they are still busy complaining about all the same BS from when I knew them in what seems like a previous lifetime already! Do I carry a sign around that reads "Life's Complaint Department"?

I am also annoyed that providing these people with a simple solution only leads to another 'problem'

And with people who change their mind too much...AND I AM ESPECIALLY BOTHERED THAT PEOPLE HAVE GRIPES AT ALL...LOL...(does any of this seem contradictory or hyprocritical yet?)

Come to think of it, I am much too busy enjoying life and entertained by the idea of finding solutions to a problem to care or be bothered by gripes....I am just DAMN SICK of the INHIBITIONS of other people(Shoot!! Yet another contradiction that seems to lead to only more questions!)

Mar 24th 2008 22:29   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
I'll tell you what I want
what I really really want
So tell me what you want
what you really really want

I wanna....I wanna....I wanna....REALLY REALLY REALLY

Mar 24th 2008 23:03   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
And I Have Yet Even More Gripes...From someone who HATES complaining!

I hate the fact the something I said may had been considered as strange(LMAO!) when in fact there ain't a darn thing I know about life that isn't strange, funny or weird!

I hate the fact that many would look at what I have done here and would not see the humor present and intended behind all of this. I am also somewhat disturbed how easily intentions can be mis-read when posting in these online forums. Then again I love the opportunity it provides to pull your friggin socks up and blow people out of the water with follow-up remarks!

I hate the fact that as much as I wish I had all the answers, I don't!

I am especially disturbed by people who think I am nuts but do not have the balls to tell me so...go figure, I say if people think I am nuts it's a GOOD Thing and no, I am not paranoid, and I am VERY UPSET that you would even think so!

I hate the fact that I can not bring every single thought on the manner to mind at this very moment!

I am VERY DISTURBED with just how much time I have chose to spend here when I could be doing other things.

More than anything, I would hate to learn that anyone out there reading this has not yet come to realize just how FRIGGIN HARD I AM LAUGHING through posting all of this!!!

P.S. I also hate people who think they are funny.

Mar 25th 2008 00:33   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
I hate the fact that I hate complainers yet so far I have complained on this thread more than anyone else....has any of my original point been made yet?
Mar 25th 2008 00:55   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Keep it up, Garnet.

You are getting there!

That is the price of humanity!

When you consider that "to gripe" also means to turn into the wind - whatever the helm is trying to do, I think you can understand why this question has brought out some of your best and most heart-felt comments.
Mar 25th 2008 04:50   
Paula Gaon Senior   

Jeepers! I really opened up a can of worms here.
Not surprising, everybody has something to gripe
about. About those pesky Turning Numbers, yes,
still hate them but failed to mention above that a
very simple solution is to always copy whatever
info you've typed in (If the info is in several text
boxes, copy & paste it on to Notepad or similar
program.) then if you get the number wrong, you
don't have to retype all the info.

Now here's another one: While preparing this
post, I typed andyrooney.com into the browser
window figuring I'd get his site. Guess again.
The domain forwards to an apparently hard
core porn site--I refused to enter these sites
on principle. After a little research on the web,
discovered that the owner of the domain name
has it till 2010. Now THAT burns me up and
you can bet Andy's not too happy about it either.

Mar 25th 2008 12:57   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
I have warned folks about allowing their domains to slip into the wrong hands... Ouch!
Mar 25th 2008 13:04   
Rebecca Beasley Committed   Consultant, Web Designer, Script Set Up
Is it too much to ask for people to stop sending me those cutsie little forwarded
emails that tell me that if I don't send it to all my friends in the next five minutes
something horrible will happen to me.

What kind of crazy people think this stuff up?
Apr 27th 2008 10:57   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
How about researching urban legends before you forward them. I keep getting internet warnings (10 in the past couple of days) for a couple of online predators who are no longer a threat to anybody. One is in jail for life the other is in the cemetery for eternity!

The idea of warning people about predators is a good one but let's make sure we have the facts before we panic people.

Apr 27th 2008 12:04   
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