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An Andy Rooney Rap Session

by Paula Gaon
Paula Gaon Senior  
Do you know who Andy Rooney is? The wry, witty, fuss-budget octogenarian who's been appearing on CBS's 60 Minutes forever? Andy always has a grip about something and vents his spleen without shame, all the while posing pointed questions about things that probably aggravate many of us. Could it be that this is why Andy's lived to be an octogenarian and is still so with it? So, for the next few days, let's have a real Andy Rooney Rap Session a get whatever's been bugging you off your chest--whether in  NetMarketing, the neighbors' dog, TV commercials, whatever.
OK, so here's mine. Everybody's probably seen by now those Turning Numbers, Security Codes that many web sites for programs have. We all understand that they are a necessary aggravation these days because so many bad guys out there could automatically sign us up for programs that we have absolutely no interest or need for. But why the heck do so many of them have to be illegible? Yes, many of them have a sound option, but many of us prefer to go about our Web business with the speakers off, and not have unexpected messages blared out at us. From my experience, these turning numbers are graphic files, as opposed to text. One would assume that robots are scanning for text, and can't read any graphic file. So why the *#@ do the security codes have to look like something that a two year old wrote, then put out on the barn yard for the chickens to scratch?  Really, do we need the extra eye strain? Does anyone know why security codes have to be so blasted illegible?

Now let's hear what's been bugging you!
Mar 24th 2008 10:35

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Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
How about the really, really, really LARGE HUMAN, who decides to practically sit on your lap when riding on public transit, and then Mr. or Ms. GI-NOURMOUS doesn't have the energy or the will to move out the way when your stop is coming up... You have to climb over them, for which you will recieve a nasty look!
Apr 27th 2008 12:21   
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