Quality Content Writers Group

......... and this is what you do........

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
The title of this blog is taken from a popular radio show that was broadcast for many years in England.

One spot in the programme that I listened to whenever I could was the 'recipes' spot. I collected many recipes and liked the presentation where the ingredients were first read out followed by ......... and this is what you do.......

This was a very successful element of the programme, not because of the types of recipes being offered but because of the simple, step by step instructions that left nothing to chance.

Over the past few months while I have been on a roller-coaster health ride, I have spent much time looking for ways in which a virtually house-bound old coot could earn some money.

Many bricks and mortar companies were prepared to give me any necessary training and allow me to work from home - only my unreliabilty has been the barrier that stopped me working.

One of the great things about the training of these bricks and mortar companies was that IT WAS COMPLETE! Nothing was hidden or with-held because, to get the best out of me, the company had to put the best they had into me. Information about competitors, little nuances in language when discussing products or projects and I even learned a trick I had never heard of to get past that greatest gate-keeper of all time - the P.A.!

Having accepted that it is unlikely that I will ever be employed again or be able to support myself with my unpredictable working hours, I decided that I have been on the perifery of internet marketing for long enough and that I should seriously consider I.M. as an option.

It has always been my opinion that the I.M. community is incestuous and canibalistic - now, after looking at many programmes (some that came highly recommended) I have to add narcistic.

The very first difference between the majority of I.M. and real world opportunities is that the product, if one exists, is secondary to the acquisition of any sort of customer.

The second difference is that, if there is a product, no matter how hyped up the sales letter may be about how simple (that a one eyed moron in a strait jacket can do it) it is and how much potential it has - THERE IS ONE MAJOR PROBLEM.

Few products are designed to be a complete solution. Most seem to be designed to bring the purchaser to a level at which he can almost smell the success in order to sell him the next piece of the puzzle, and then the next and then the next - ad infinitum.

There is always one vital ingredient missing or one method not explained - sometimes more than one. Even the 'so-called' complete 'business in a box' scenario is false because so many of them do not have the necessary training and support included to make them work.

One of my web sites (I have been building them and up loading them for some time) has over 70,000 pages, all on popular topics and with RSS feeds to keep them right up to date. I use it as a resource for another website but it doesn't get many visitors, even though over 20,000 pages are indexed by Google.

Obviously I have looked at traffic generation programmes and products and apart from using Adwords, not one of the ones I have looked at gets traffic that has any meaning - they are just clicks.

One person guaranteed me 1,000 hits per week for $97 a month. When I investigated to find out how they could do this, I found that they had loads of people on the Indian sub continent and the Far East who simply spent their days 'clicking' on web sites on a list that they had been given. It was just like a cold calling call centre. Not a lot of use.

I have tried to find products to sell but it seems that I will have to find a physical product to sell by way of eBay or drop shipping and use the internet to find my customers.

The hunt is on.

I need work that rewards me financially, now - I can no longer subsist on the joy of helping others.

Genuine ideas welcome!    
Feb 19th 2008 03:50

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Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Very good article, Arthur.

I wish I could suggest something financially rewarding to you, but I can't, not at
the level you need anyway.

The online business I have is not exactly something I can live on, and after
18 months I'm still building it. Long term is how it seems to be, internetwise.

Believe we'd all like to find that elusive program that really does reward us
financially, but haven't seen it yet - still looking and hoping!
Certainly hope you find something.
Feb 19th 2008 15:28   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I saw this early and lost the post. Thanks Jean for getting back up here where I could find it.

Arthur, I've looked into drop shipping before and found that there are companies that will set you up with everything you need from websites, hosting to a drop shipper but they seem to be very expense to me.

Have you thought about possibly partnering with a small local company on your own and using your ABC to promote and take orders for the company. They can then reimburse you a "finder's fee to take the orders and promote their product. Or you could do the same thing with local crafts.
Feb 19th 2008 16:43   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hey Arthur

You know Cheryl's idea might not be such a bad one!! You have so much knowledge in so many different things............

Pity you cant surf reliably . because we did have a small solution.

Hmm - still thinking

Feb 19th 2008 16:48   
Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
Arthur, with your "gift for words" have you looked at any of the "paying" for articles sites? I can't think of some of the names right off hand (Peaceful might have a better idea) but that might start the ball rolling for some cash coming in right away. Anything else I know about would take too long, or as you've stated have all types of "catches" to getting the bigger bucks. If I run across something, I'll certainly let you know (as far as "paying" for articles go) Best of luck!
Feb 27th 2008 06:08   
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