Business Round Table

How do you strengthen your team?

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
All of us here are involved in business in some way.  Some of us are in MLM's, some of us have actual storefront businesses or some of us are involved in other programs that have us building a "team".  You are only going to be as successful as that "team" is successful.  So we need to know how to strengthen that team to bring success.

The question is how do you do it?

Well first and foremost your team must have a sense of unity.  The best way to do this is to promote relationships among your team members.  Do things to bring your team together, online conferences, conference calls and e-mail blasts can all help.  Also make sure each team member has the contact info for other members.  Encourage them to get to know each other outside of team functions.

Each member should feel as if they are critical to your team.  You do make them feel important by identifying their strengths.  Use that strength for the advancement of your team.  If you have someone that loves to do cold calls, put them out there as the cold call person.  Let that one person's strength make up for the weakness of other members.  Some people love to do presentations or face to face meetings, figure out what it is and promote it.

Communicate directly with your team members no matter where they are in your down-line.  Even if you did not directly recruit someone to your team they are a part of your team.  It is a fact that not everyone who recruits someone will do right by the person you recruit.  It's your team, step up and be the support for that person.  Some MLM companies will notify you when someone new is added to your team.  Give them a welcome call and introduce yourself.  Make sure that they have the information to contact you directly and let them know that they can contact you.  Treat each member as if you recruited them yourself.

Everyone loves to be recognized for a job well done.  Give the public kudos.  When they accomplish something make sure the other team members know it.  When you get a new team member publicly welcome them to the team.

This may sound daunting at first and like it is a lot of work.  The thing is your team members are going to take their cue from you.  If you are building a strong team, guess what they will do?  Also don't be put off by the fact that I've explained this from the point of view of an MLM.  If you have a storefront business your employees are your team!
Feb 14th 2008 11:33

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Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Thank you for that inspiring advice, Cheryl! :)

Much has been written about this subject these days, what with many companies re-disovering the fact that it's truly teamwork that makes for a greater good, and not enforced 'Loyalty".... Like it was in the Old School days...

Welcome to the age of the Entreprenuer... Employees will walk away from a job that doesn't allow for their personal growth and achievements to mean rewards and recognition. They don't have any reason to tolerate being considered a 'Bot"... And often have the skills to go out on their own, or will seek the education to enhance their lives and use it elsewhere...

No matter what industry you are in, it's Humans that make it work... The better you treat them, the better it is for your business! :)
Feb 14th 2008 11:52   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
This is so true. Many people are getting into MLM now and the one thing I have noticed is a lot of "recruiting warriors". They are recruiting everyone with the ability to fog a mirror but then they just disappear. That is definitely the wrong way to do it, no matter which company you choose to be in.
Feb 14th 2008 12:00   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
There are companies being built around "Rewards and Recognition" products and services... and these new companies are doing great business, because oftentimes the new CEO's of start-ups are very lacking in their 'People Skills", and have the pressing need for consultants and advisors in those areas... Even contracting Intuitive Counselors (which used to be taboo) to help guide themselves in Human relationships and developing insights into Human Life...

Your Intuitive Knowledge is just as important as your educational degree these days.. For example:

You would be excellent as a Mediator... These people solve problems on a Human level, with resorting to the overcrowed courts and high-priced lawyers...

You are already a skilled business woman, so setting it up wouldn't be a problem for you...

You are not shy and your Insights could help you resolve many of the smaller problems that other Humans are having with each other...

Through this new business, you could also grow your PPL business, because you would literally have referrals walking in your front door...

You are an excellent writer, and providing articles for particular business journals in your field, would bring you more recognition and 'Branding" for yourself and for your businesses...

Your journey in Life could make for interesting reading, so start a book about yourself... and so on....


That's an example of what an Intuitive Guide or Counselor does and gets paid for... In this world of Globalization, folks are coming to realize that good old days are ending... no more 50 years at the factory, and retire with a fat pension... It's time to create wealth and work with what you've already got in your Inventory... If you are lucky enough to have a team to help you, that's wonderful, but make sure that that team is the very best it can be... Web 1.0 was all about "numbers recruited", Web 2.0 and 3.0 is about Humans Joining Together for Excellence through each other...
Feb 14th 2008 12:51   
Dora Akingbade-Watson Senior   Lifestyle Business Developer
Absolutely SPOT ON Cheryl!!!!

I salute you, you are a real asset to the group here at APSense.

Enough of the negativity, let's talk about how we can really help each other succeed.

Now, that's what I'm talkin' bout!

To your phenomenal success,

Feb 14th 2008 13:30   
Lee Poulson Advanced   Health Coach
This is one of those times I wish I could use the top button several times!
Everybody should read it.
Feb 14th 2008 23:36   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Thank you all for you comment and input.I've been in a few MLM opportunities and the one I am in now is the first one that has actually worked for me. An it does because our up-line practices this and teaches it to everyone in the team. We in turn do the same thing with those who join out team.

I don't recruit. I let prospects come to me through word of mouth or their memberships.
Feb 15th 2008 07:38   
Patrick De Thierry Advanced   
You've hit the nail on the head...:)

You will be successful in anything you with advice like that, it's good to see how crucial it is, to make people in your downline feel that they are needed and for us to go out of our way to make them feel that.

I believe in what you posted 110%

Great Post.
Feb 15th 2008 22:15   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
The funny part is that people who are not even on our team have heard of us and good things too. We have a cohesive unit because we all follow these same teachings.
Feb 15th 2008 23:26   
Tim Fulcher Junior   
I think you have to understand that teams work best if you have a leader - thats you!

Now some people will get the job done - many will not, especially in the world of internet marketing.
So you can give people all the tools, but at the end of the day its up to them to get on with it

I have had situations when I have told people that - here is a goodle ad that is getting me signups every day - but some remain cynical - they just can't get on and do it

The other side of the coin is getting disheartened by the slowness of others. You mustn't let this happen. I simply shrug my sholders and let them get on with it.

In the real workplace, if you have staff that are late to work, always going off to the loo, wasting time, trying to drag out the time etc, then you don't promote them - ideally get rid of them at the first opportunity!

You have to be able to spot those that you can "bring on", and those that are "management material"

To take another side again - in the internet marketing game, what you will find is that there is next to no one who can show you what works, because they don't know what works themselves

Many people will promote products/ programs that they have never used, and that they have no idea whether they are any good or not.

So you can very easily by left on your own, with no one around who has any answers - except for trying to sell you yet another ebook/software etc that you absolutely don't need. The word "help" in internet marketing can be a very "dirty" word!

So I suggest you remember you are the master or mistress of your own own ship. Take hold of the controls and steer the ship in whatever direction brings you success. If it doesn't work, grab hold of the streering wheel and change direction!

Feb 19th 2008 07:41   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
When it comes to a team there's a little something called the 80/20 rule. Spent 80% of your effort on the 20% that deserve it.
Feb 19th 2008 12:25   
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