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Window cleaners, bankrupts, chicken farmers, 13 yr olds

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Are you, like me, getting absolutely sick and tired of ads for the latest, greatest system developed by one legged morons, dissipated cleptomaniacs, chicken farmers, window cleaners and any other perceived POTENTIAL LOSER in the world?

I really thought I had seen it all until I opened my mail this morning and saw an intro to the following sales page (don't go there yet) http://www.affiliatedefined.com/

Here we have the claim that a 13 year old British Kid (I quote) is raking in oodles of dough and is prepared to teach you all his tricks.

I have absolutely no doubt at all that this is yet another attempt to sell the same old tired techniques that are being sold at various prices all over the web.

From my point of view the absolute lack of credibility in this sales page is enough to start Big Ben and Great Tom ringing their hearts out.

Just where do these end?

Please read the sales page and you tell me - WAS THIS WRITTEN BY A 13 YEAR OLD?

If he is British, why is he writing with an American accent?

If his methods are so unique, how come he goes on about black hat and white hat methods?

How many other sales pages have you seen with exactly the same layout, exactly the same psycological switches and the same, typical redundant verbiage?

If he was interviewed on the BBC - where, when and where is the transcript or an audio clip?

And what about this for a 13 year old to say? -   For about six months I tried to make money and but I failed miserably. I'd made a few thousand dollars, but nothing that was going to break the bank.

What 13 year old British Kid is going to say that making a few thousand dollars was 'failing miserably'? The very least he would have said was that he had made 'pounds' - that is the currency he speaks in (he's British, remember?) - and a few thousand? in about six months. That is more than 98% of internet marketers make!

If this person is genuine, he has been re-invented by some gormless guru who has generated a sales page on some ridiculous sales page generator that has built in so many warning signals that only the truly desperate and truly addicted would even think that one word of it is true.

If he is not genuine, he has the sales page he deserves.
Feb 14th 2008 03:59

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I really think that there should be a way to fine these people.
Feb 14th 2008 07:45   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Doesn't seem to me to be typical 13 y.o. wording. Of course, he
could be a genius..........
Feb 14th 2008 15:37   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
This is just another standard "Gooroo" produced marketing page. No specifics just vague promises that tell you nothing. But somewhere out there is someone just desperate enough to give their money to these people and encourage them to repackage the page for the next sucker.
Feb 14th 2008 20:31   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty

I missed off a category - PHILANTHROPISTS!

The number of sales pages I have read that include some of the following:-

My friends are telling me I should increase the price!

I could easily ask $3,000, $2,000, $997, $497 But I am not going to ask anything like that figure.

You are getting $XX,XXX.XX value for one low price.

I'm not charging any more (and this is my all time favourite) because I really want you to succeed.

...........tell me that there are some true B.S.ers out there.

I don't know about you, but if I had $XX,XXX.XX worth of product, I sure as hell would not sell it for $37!

Be honest.

Would you?
Mar 9th 2008 11:17   
Lisa Lomas Professional   
Hype, oooooooooooo yeah just another one to add to the long long list.

They forgot to tell everyone it will take you weeks/months just to learn it.

Mar 10th 2008 03:54   
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