The People Group

Who is the old coot?

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Now, there's a good question. I'd love to meet him but the possibility is precluded by being him - a bit of bad luck on my part.

I am one of those people who is driven by life. I react to events but seldom initiate them.

My early years were spent with the most wonderful parents anybody could have been blessed with. Dad was blind and very clever, my mother was a grande mal epileptic with an IQ near double figures. They were devoted to each other for forty years during which they fought like cat and dog. It was they who taught me that no matter what else life was - it was for enjoying.

In total I have been married for thirty eight years - unfortunately I have out-lived three wonderful wives - number four seems to be made of sterner stuff (we just celebrated our seventeenth aniversary) and, like me, sees each day as an open invitation to have fun.

Most of my time is spent searching for refinements to what I already know and new things to learn while being owned by two dogs that see me as their private domain.

While being disabled has never disabled me much, age is now adding its weight to the burden so, every so often,  I am plagued by another string of problems.

If I have a business it is My Local Gazette which I promote off line.

As a side-line, I save lives. This is a very emotionally draining pass-time but one which I seem to have a fair degree of success at - maybe because I tell it like it is and understand exactly what is happening in the lives of those I save. I have no time for psychobabble and I am always being told I do it wrong by so-called experts. Sod 'em - my way works!

If I have a fault, it is being very self opinionated.

If I have a virtue, it is putting everybody else before myself.

And if this isn't 'light' enough Nagy, feel free to delete it.

Feb 3rd 2008 12:09

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Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Delete it? I couldn't imagine!

I for one am glad to have met you if only through a crappy internet connection, and am sure I am not alone in this regard.
Feb 3rd 2008 12:24   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Arthur I don't know of anyone else I could have such lively and long-winded debates with. Believe me you are a joy!
Feb 3rd 2008 12:31   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
"I'd love to meet him but the possibility is precluded by being him - a bit of bad luck on my part"

Hehe, Well i have one over on you on that one! I got to meet the man behind the hat. so I can add a bit to the descruption. The Old Coot has one of the sharpest minds I have come across in many years. He is much less argumentative and stroppy in real life - and if fact - is a very gentle person (Sorry to ruin your online image Arthur! LOL)

He has two wonderful dogs who are more like people than dogs, and they are part of the package if you want to be a friend of Arthur's. His wife is amazing and I dont know how she puts up with him! LOL Hi there Judy. You deserve a medal!

And apart from being a brainy sort of chap - he not so much a gourmet - more a glutton - likes large helpings of food and has been known to eat three desserts!.

I am glad I met you Arthur - and very proud to be able to call you a friend. (And i know you dont like slush - but that's TOUGH!)

Feb 3rd 2008 12:32   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
LOL...I did request to keep it light didn't I? Call it what you will, really just a mere attempt to get some of the seemingly shy people out and about. I still like to hear things the way they are so by all means tell it like it is.
Feb 3rd 2008 12:34   
Wendy Senior   
I most certainly can't argue with what anyone has said.

Wish my dad was as verbal as you are. Sure do miss the converstions we used to have.

I love self opionated people.

Feb 3rd 2008 13:25   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
If it works for you, Arthur, do it your way, as did Frank Sinatra! :-)
Feb 3rd 2008 14:53   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
I must hop on this bandwagon that you have started with the lively debates and inquisitive nature of what seems like most of your posts (when you read between the lines, you can always find one or two in your posts and responses!)
I also have to say that my life has been brightened by your insight and I am sure there are many others here that will testify to the same! You have added quality and quantity that is not only entertaining, but also thought provoking (if only to make us look inwards more often!)

It is my pleasure to have met you through the lines and satellite signals if not in person. I enjoy your comments and intellect! Don't change (Too Much)

Feb 3rd 2008 15:32   
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