Sharper Focus on QC Tech

Wondering Where I Went?

by David Schupbach
David Schupbach Senior  
Hi guys/gals!

By now you are probably wondering what happened to me! 

Long story, but mainly I have been working on my website.

Here is a widget so you can keep track of me!
Get this widget!
Jan 29th 2008 07:18

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
That's okay, we've all been pretty busy lately
Jan 29th 2008 09:05   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Obviously I am well out of the loop when it comes to activities on the internet.

Tell me. Just exactly how does this widget let me keep track of you?
Jan 29th 2008 10:08   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Not to worry Dave, I haven't been around much lately either.
Real life caught up with a vengence! :-(

Jan 29th 2008 18:56   
David Schupbach Senior   
Thanks everyone, nice to know some of you still are watching out for me!
i know you have been busy too
Jan 30th 2008 01:16   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time

We all figured you won the lottery and dropped as all like a bad habit.......welcome back...
Jan 30th 2008 07:19   
David Schupbach Senior   
That will never happen Joseph! you are STUCK with me!!! lol
Jan 30th 2008 13:03   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Hi David,

You're funny and l enjoy that from you see what happens you spend all that time playing around with you're websites and you have "FORGOTTEN", UBB CODES ARE NOT PERMITTED here more then likely you're links are not clickable...

The good part is you know the right codes how to make them work............l was impressed...........good to have u back buddy..............just had to remind you of what you already knew............[b]all good brother[/b]...........see what l mean, it will not work for me either, should have been bold but.............hmmm...:}
Jan 30th 2008 21:00   
David Schupbach Senior   
Dang! I left out one little slash mark.... Oh well my sig file is working now! :-)

Arthur, I am so sorry, I missed your question there-- The widget just allows you to check my latest posts over at my tech blog where I have been spending all my time lately... If the headlines don't look all that interesting, you will know not to waste your time.. lol
Feb 2nd 2008 01:07   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Looking good buddy!

Will catch up with you later...
Feb 2nd 2008 19:24   
David Schupbach Senior   
Thanks G man!

For any of you who haven't been to my tech blog yet, I have been using the techniques I described in the 7 step system for you, plus a few more, and I have generated almost 1200 hits completely from scratch! All in 9 days, and it just keeps climbing!

The first couple days started out with 20 - 30 hits a day and now is well over 250 hits a day!
Feb 3rd 2008 01:39   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I'm really going to have to make the time to check out your blogs. I've just been pretty darn busy!
Feb 3rd 2008 07:56   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Wow - This is really impressive high tech stuff - I am over awed!

Am still working on your seven step system - which, being "techologically challanged" to say the least, is taking longer than I had hoped! Sorry.

Great to see you back. Like everyone else here it seems - real life stepped in and I seem to hve been online less than usual and so you are more than forgiven.

And what do you mean thast you will NEVER win the lottery? One nver knows.
Feb 3rd 2008 17:57   
David Schupbach Senior   
Cheryl, I know what you mean. Like Jean says some times life catches up....

Jenny, I have found through building this blog site that after the first few times, it becomes habit.
The most work outside the writing, is the startup part, where you are researching for the niche.
I just happened across one that is hot right now, and also coincides with one of my natural interests. You have to look at your self first, and determine what your major interests are that you have SOME expertise in, (you can research what you DON'T know) and THEN do your keyword research. In your case, I would suggest something like Angel Figurines. For Joseph, parenting, or the automotive business. For Jean Pythons! :-) Cheryl already has her niche she could apply the system to; legal issues. Etc. etc. Just go with what you know/love.
Feb 3rd 2008 23:25   
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