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2008 Presidential Campaign-History in the making

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
The 2008 Presidential Campaign is making history.  For the first time we have both a woman and an African American Running serious and successful campaigns.  The Democratic party is on the cusp of breaking down the last bastion of "Good Old Boy" mentality.

Okay I know John Edwards is in the campaign.  Thus far Edwards has honestly been nothing more than an "Oh you're running too"  The Campaign thus far has been Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.  With Monday's debate in South Carolina, it seems the gloves are coming off between these two.  That could just be the opening that Edwards needs to advance his campaign and secure the nomination.  Which means America, for all of it's talk of equality would remain a "Good Old Boy" nation.

Obama or Clinton securing the nomination of the Democratic party would shatter the glass ceiling now in place.  Thus far women and blacks have been running on third party tickets and it was simply a case of humoring them.  "Let them run, we know they won't win.  Only a republican or a Democrat wins the big one".

Many countries including so called third-world countries have elected women to the highest position in their land The late Ms Bhutto was a former Prime Minister and was in the running to be elected again before her assassination.  Margaret Thatcher held the PM post in Great Britain.
Nelson Mandela, an ex-convict under the system of apartheid in South Africa was elected immediately after apartheid was ended. 

In America, Both women and blacks had to fight for the right to vote.  Since then we have been allowed to vote but never has either group had a candidate step up and be taken seriously as both Clinton and Obama have.  If they can refrain from letting there campaigns degenerate into mudslinging free-for-alls, 2008 could just see  a white house  headed by a woman or an African American. 
Jan 23rd 2008 08:17

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Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Whoever gets that job is going to be in for a very tough ride... I feel that it's going to be Historic in more ways that one... I wish them all well, and truly compliment the candidates for their bravery... They are going to be tested royally...
Jan 23rd 2008 08:22   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
well who ever gets in they will break all their election promises.

That is par for the course in all countries its a proven fact that
the one is just as corrupt as the other, so in the long run it really doesnt matter who wins they are still going to sc**w the public.

Only question is to what degree?

Jan 23rd 2008 08:33   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
We all know politicians are consummate liars by now. The question is to what degree is each candidate lying? It could be we may have lying to a lesser degree with Clinton or Obama simply because they know the sharks will be circling looking for an excuse to ruin their credibility.
Jan 23rd 2008 08:48   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Election campaigns are the advertising medium for the politicians.

The way things are set up now, I would be very surprised if the results of the next elections in USA and YUK are not already known.

No matter who wins, they will enjoy a short honeymoon period and then have to face the reality that they do have to comply with the old boy network or be defeated at every turn.

Just as every police commander in the movies is now a black man, maybe the administration (old boy network) has decided that they need to have a token woman or black leader but, after the unique and eccentric behaviour of GW and Blurr, the next incumbents will be controlled with rods of iron.
Jan 23rd 2008 12:12   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I don't know how that will work Arthur.

GW and crew went way beyond the pale. Could be the old boy's HAVE LOST control, resulting in the situation we see now. The American people got a big wake up call thanks to the soon to be former president and most of them are seeing exactly what road we were led down with the fear mongering.

There's a low grumble running through this country and it won't take much to turn it into a loud roar.
Jan 23rd 2008 14:57   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
The 'Old Boy network is simply Big Business in the form of lobbyists and payoffs. Why do you think that our health system is the way it is? If the insurance companies lost control over the congress, we would have a better health care system in place for everyone in the US, Not just those who can afford it!

Oil, Insurance, and Industry are trying to tell us that hey are not 'investing' in our politicians, but it sure seems like they are the ones that are making record breaking profits, at the same time as they are laying off hundreds of employees. Go Figure !!!!!!!!
Jan 23rd 2008 15:57   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Cheryl,

How it will work is quite simple.

Politicians are the front men and women. They are the friendly face of the administration - behind the scenes, the people who really run the country haven't changed.

In the YUK the Civil Service has been there forever and it is they who decide whether or not anything can be done. Sometimes their conservative nature can be swayed by apparent public opinion as related to them by the cronies of the politicians and sometimes sheer stupidity leaves them with no alternative than to support a lunatic leader. Blurr certainly pulled a fast one when he recruited the YUK into the premier league of terrorist nations.

There must be a similar, long lived branch of the administration in USA.

If not - may God help us all!
Jan 24th 2008 04:29   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Arthur,

its called the illuminati the same as it is in YUK, EUR, and almost all other countries.

Jan 24th 2008 04:39   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
It is the illuminati here also. However more people are beginning to realize that they do indeed exist. Much of their power comes from the fact that they are shadow men. Dragged out into the light of day their schemes are apparent. They have tipped their hands more than once in the course of the Bush Administration and there has been backlash.

People are also learning that it's not exactly a bunch of roses being their frontman. Just ask Katherine Harris. After helping to steal the presidential election for Bush in 2000, the backlash was dumped on her. Now there is another backlash over the war in Iraq. They had scapegoats in place for this one too but the scapegoats escaped this time. Colin Powell resigned and Condeleeza Rice kept all the documentation.

Perhaps the learned from the shining example of scapegoat Oliver North. If ever there was an obvious scapegoat, it was North.
Jan 24th 2008 07:57   
Darrel (MyMagic) Hoover Senior   Multiple streams, free to join.

WoW I am excited. you got this one going.

1) Hillary said to me one day " I will take those gross porfits from the big corporations and MY government will decide who to help" ParaPhrased.
Counter Point
1) I never got a penny from the hillary admin. My 401 has made a LOT of money from it's stocks in (Exon)

2) Heath care will be GREAT when the Government of the People take control of it. (Nationalized Health Care)
Counter Point
2) Almost as good as the war on drugs, the war on poverty, the war on illitercy, the war on gun ownership, the war on illegal immigration, ECT.

3) Credibility for Clinton and Obama
Counter Point
3) Ask Vince Foster or Barak Hussien Obama's grandmother in Africa.

4) A Big Corporation with unfunded liabilities is a bad thing.
Counter Point
4) A BIG Government with 53 trillion in unfunded liabilities(MedaCare,MidiCade,SocialSecurity,OldPeople Pill Program is the right way to take on the problems of our , I have a RIGHT to free health care mentality.

Try FREE Entreprise, I did.

Jan 24th 2008 08:15   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Cheryl,

I have done quite a bit of studing on the illuminati.
check out google video for Michael Tsarion and Jordan Maxwell.

Jan 24th 2008 08:25   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
BJ, I was one of those who would have told you the "illuminati" was nothing more than conspiracy paranoia until about the mid 90's. That when I began to have some doubts. The 2000 election convinced me that something was indeed going on. 9/11 proved it.

I actually spent a bit of time studying on them too and use this resource

We all need to wake up to what is going on. The illuminati are not only working to lower the standards in western countries bu to raise the standards in Third world countries. Look at the sudden economic boom in China. What was once a poor and uneducated country (taking into account population) has become a major player in the world economy in a matter of years.
Jan 24th 2008 08:43   
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