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Yes! I would like to buy the moon on a lolly stick!

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Over and over again I receive emails telling me about some 17 year old brain dead aligator making a fortune on the internet or a 59 stone constipated gorila doing the same thing.

The latest I received was about a bill killer - apparently it has very few spaces left but I can have one for $49.95 according to a great sales letter from Michael Vincent at newsletter@homebusiness-review.com. (His sales letter was great because it had audio that you could switch off and read the transcript at your own speed).

This was another of those offers that looks far too good to be true but sounded reasonable enough to warrant the small investment required because some of the inevitable bonuses happened to be things that I wanted.

So, I clicked on the PayPal button.

I was told that there was no information on the page about my address, email address and credit card. Information that would have been required if I had chosen the ClickBank option. Naturally, I replied to the address newsletter@homebusiness-review.com to find out how to pay by PayPal - Surprise! Surprise! There is no such email address.

Naturally, I am very cautious about paying for anything through ClickBank because they charge 16% VAT and I have no way of knowing why - or - where this extra money goes.

Looking over all the other details that were available to me, I discovered that, as happens so often nowadays, there was not a single contact method that I could use to contact Michael Vincent. 

Wouldn't you think that if somebody wanted you to buy something from them that they would, at the very least, be available to help make the sale?

This is such a common occurrence that I now realise that what these people are doing is selling the moon on a lolly stick and their friendly roogoo has told them "Whatever you do, do not be accessible to your customers - they will ask you questions!".

Jan 22nd 2008 13:56

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Jenny Stewart Professional   
Here we are again - accessibility and accountability is very important in business and even more important on the internet.

I make a point of speaking personally with online customers and exchanging information BEFORE money changes hands. I dont trust them and I dont expect them to trust me!

And this is even more important when there is no physical product at the end of the transaction.
When people start to be more demanding about information BEFORE they pay money, maybe things will change.

When speaking with a colleague the other day about an advertising programe - I made the suggestion that he look up information about the owner on the internet and did not take my owrd for it. That he did his own due diligence. There was stacks and stacks available and nothing old had been deleted.

Interesting - for my money the less information available the bigger the red flag! People with nothing to hide dont hide it!!
Jan 22nd 2008 14:06   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
With all the e-book marketing systems etc floating around and the consequences of getting involved with them, the last thing these folks want is someone being able to get a hold of them. That someone just might be from FBI, INTERPOL or some other agency whose job is to give tham a figurative trip to the woodshed.
Jan 22nd 2008 17:08   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Why l try not to promote anything on the net............well at least not on here most systems make money for all the wrong reasons.................Someone is getting "RICH" but we both know one thing it will not be us............So l gave up on that a long time ago actually l have a few accounts that l should close and take the money out that l did make, if they already havn't and saved me the time and effort to collect what ever little money l made............

I suppose you can still make money on the internet l just don't really trust an affillliate program to help me make zellions of dollars on here for a one time payment and you will get too page of downloads to help you set up a very $$$$$$ business..........I would just rather read about everyone success and be real happy for them. Why l honestly like Apsense but more and more people are trying to promote the links that will lead you to nothing but shit........and a real waste of time and effort.................
Jan 22nd 2008 18:28   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
You know what I think the funniest thing is about all of this is if you actually do show people you are real they resist everything you have to say because they are so wrapped up believing all this total bs and this without taking any time at all to check facts(and their heads!)....lol..no, it's the internet, why should you have to put any effort forth to recieve financial gain? Money should just appear out of thin air! And it should be completely free of pain, you should never have to struggle or overcome barriers of any sort.

I am seriously considering writing an ebook that will mock it all, you all should do the same..LOL..after all there must be room for Tons of ebooks to counteract all the current ones!

Jan 23rd 2008 20:35   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time

After the day you had today (Wednesday January 23, 2008), you should be able to buy the moon with a lolly stick just don't bang into the door and blame on your one bad eye.......If you miss the moon, it's going to be a long ride back home.......

Be carefull and start smiling a little it cost the smae............heres an example of a smile......:)
Jan 23rd 2008 20:59   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Let me get right to work on "How to get scammed for dummies"!!
Jan 23rd 2008 21:15   
David Schupbach Senior   
Accountability, Availability, and Accessability are major issues for any business, online, or off.

Here again, if you don't address each issue, you won't BE in business long. I have been pondering some of these issues myself, and how to address them, as I am in the process of setting up my own online store.

There are services out there that will take care of all those details for you, but the fee can be astronomical to a start-up venture, although they are just as critical then as they are to a mega-corp.

Probably Arthur ran across one of those ventures that folded before they could get off the ground, but like Garnet says, you have to be willing to struggle, no matter where you are trying to earn money.

One thing that the Internet Marketing community is really bad about is over-hyping products and services. That's partly because of all the millions of competitors each marketer is trying to compete with in terms of visibility.

Which only goes to show the value of Social Networking and building relationships....
Jan 24th 2008 05:54   
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