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Controversial IMAGE

by Valerie Hasara Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
Leading copywriters say that images add nothing to your writing in the terms of increasing the outcome of your advertising. As a matter of fact many say that is takes away from your sales.


When you’re surfing the web does an image catch your attention and get you to stop and read?
Jun 2nd 2007 09:21

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Pete Balasch Jr. Magnate I   Internet Marketer Pod caster
Good Image the image catches my attention
Did you do this your self?
Jun 2nd 2007 09:27   
Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
I am a very visual person so images always catch my attention. I know there have been many studies on the use of images in writing but I just can’t believe the images don’t lead to action.

To answer Pete’s question:
This is an image I manipulated into what I needed for my ezine OyesUcan. I do love graphics and use them often.

Jun 2nd 2007 09:34   
Inga Ozolina Senior   Manual Traffic Exchange Owner
I like graphics and images. Site's template is always very important for me, same with images, banners etc. Yes, they catches my attention for sure.
Jun 2nd 2007 09:54   
Lorraine Lake Advanced   
I take notice of graphics too. I'll stop & read if it is something I am interested in
Jun 2nd 2007 10:06   
James Max Senior   Blog Network Community

Did I hear some one say "A Picture is worth a thousand words!"

You better believe it. ...

However, using graphics depends on the content you wish to convey. The experts say too many graphics on a page makes it look unprofessional - like neon signs in the Red Light District..

People may not click on your banners, but like Billboard Advertising it creates awareness of a product or service when you are ready to buy.

max@work - caring, sharing and mentoring


Jun 2nd 2007 15:43   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Humans are visually oriented (not just the males of the species!)

of course the visual content of a site or ad will grab ones attention whether they're aware of it or not...

Jun 2nd 2007 16:27   
Pete Balasch Jr. Magnate I   Internet Marketer Pod caster
I am an Opposite Here
I really don't click on Banners
And most folks do not
The search engines See images as a blank unless
you name your images

Your image Valerie I would click on it
So I will Not Say Never
Jun 2nd 2007 18:49   
Jennifer Brunt Advanced  
Hello Valerie,
I think the use of images depends on the person looking at it. I am a blue personality so I love images, but where a person with a green personality does not like to look at alot of images, they want data, the nuts and bolts,

Jun 3rd 2007 09:32   
Barbara Eyre Advanced   
It definately depends on how the images are used.

If images are used to illustrate a point, then they are very useful. No website page should be heavily ladened with images of any type to begin with. Main reason - takes too long to load for most folks. If a website page is taking to long to load because of a truckload of images, then I leave that page (or site). Just shows me that the owner rather have pictures do all the talking instead of doing some work and typing out their information. Images should be saved at the smallest file size as realistically possible to help with loading times.

And, as long as you do the proper info within an img tag, then search engines see them as useful. I.e.; alt tag. Just like you use the title tag for links. Both are used to describe the image/link respectfully.
Jun 3rd 2007 15:02   
Andrew Whittington Committed   
Yes, images do attract attention. If you watch a class of school kids doing web search, they almost all flick on and off images, almost totally ignoring the text.

I guess we're all a bit lazy with reading text on the screen, but ... a picture paints a thousand words.
Jun 3rd 2007 17:09   
BeViZiBle Innovator   
I think it probably depends on the type of image and how invasive it is.
For example some flash images are very annoying and repetitive and will actually make people close your page. An image with an invitation to see more will always attract the curious and and image which is hard to make out will actually get quite a few people to stay on your page. Remember those old Vision Puzzles which had pictures hidden in amongst shapes. The principal is the same.
Ultimately as long as they are not overdone or annoying I think that relevant images enhance a pages content.
Jun 4th 2007 03:13   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi Valerie,

I like graphics if they are relevant.

My web site would be lost with out them!! i sell angels on the internet and without the photos there would be no site!

they dont have to cause slow loading - if their size and resolution is correct - my site loads fast and is loaded (sorry for the pun) with photos.

The great turn off for me is FLASHING things - they hurt my eyes and are a big turn off f - butmaybe this a a generation thing. my kids love them

Unnecessary banners killl a site . Overdoses of graphics seem to dothe same.

But a judicious use of graphics can be the key to a success ful site.

Jun 10th 2007 06:09   
Hot Travel Deals.Biz Advanced   
Yes, visual images can prompt me to look further. The creation of them is also fasinating. I am just getting into online marketing and the impressive images make me want to learn more, the how to's.

Jun 10th 2007 19:29   
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