Privacy, Security and Identity theft

Well here we go again

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
The Texas Attorney General has proven time and time again that he will lay the smackdown on businesses that do not protect personal information.  I guess Radio Shack did not prove he doesn't care how bid you are just as Jones Beauty college did not show that the little guy defence will get you nowhere either.

Our AG is at it again.  The current target for his wrath is Select Physical Therapy.  Seems they decided to throw some personal information into trash bins behind the business.  When will people learn?
Jan 10th 2008 20:13

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Jenny Stewart Professional   
The rehab centre did a very dumb and irresponsible thing, when they dumped records in the garbage. And they are paying hte price.

There is only one thing that bothers me - will the Tezas Attorney General's office be equally hard on ALL businesses or will they give a special focus on those that deal with non "middle america" issuees? When we see then fining a large corporation , Then we will know that this law applies to everyone. and please don't tell me that corporations are any more virtuous than small businesses in this respect.
Jan 11th 2008 13:28   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Actually our Attorney General has already filed on both Radio Shack and the CVS Pharmacy chain. He does not care how big or small a company is. In the state of Texas they will be held responsible!
Jan 11th 2008 13:38   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Actually the larger corporations have more of a problem than the smaller businesses. The smaller business tend to train ALL employees while larger corporations only train the employees they think in their wisdom will be involved. So they overlook the janitor who probably put this stuff in the dumpster because he did not know any better.

A smaller business trains their janitor who will see it and ask someone about it instead of automatically dumping it.
Jan 11th 2008 13:42   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Well it is good to hear that the DA is fousing on all kinds of businesses. The thought came to me, when I realised that we are now in election year and Texas is not known for its political impartiality!

Jan 11th 2008 14:01   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Actually he started this trend last year in the wake of new laws that enabled him to go after these businesses.
Jan 11th 2008 14:16   
Stupid Girlfriend Junior  
privacy who's got it anymore have you heard the guy on the radio giving out his social security number?

Jan 12th 2008 16:12   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Yes Reta I have. There's actually been two of them and both of them have ad their identities stolen. That whole set up annoys me because it reinforces the "identity theft is about your finances" mentality. I sometimes wonder how many undocumented workers are using those social security numbers
Jan 12th 2008 17:54   
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