Quality Content Writers Group

Need help with this one! Please be honest!

by Beth Schmillen
Beth Schmillen Professional  
I wrote this first part a while ago... it's one of my blogs. Recently I was looking for something to rewrite to add to a writer's directory and for some reason I chose this... so below this first more rough draft is a better? version... How can I make it even better?

Do you look like your business opprtunity?


You are your Business Opportunity! ???? What ?????


Could it be possible that you are your business opportunity?

about it. You chose a business opportunity not unlike you choose a pet
or a spouse. There's something familiar about it and it suits you. As
you spend more and more time with this business opportunity it is your
better or your worse half! Do you look like your cat or dog? Maybe you
are reflected in your business opportunity as well!

NOW... I have several business
opportunities. I get bored easily. I'm also single. But I do have three
cats and they are all completely different in temperment, coloring, age
etc... I think I must have business opportunities the way I have pets!

oh no... I've found the explanation to
my voracious appetite  for promoting various and sundry bizops.  They
all need attention and they give you various kinds of feed back. Some
literally talk back to you like the Social Networks where you are
building downlines...or at least attempting to...

So how about you?

Do you look like your business opportunity?

I had a moment to rewrite this a little better I hope!

I've also put it on an article directory! ...

Here's the rewrite:

Article Title
Do you look like your Online Business Opportunity?

about it. You chose a business opportunity not unlike you choose a pet
or a spouse. There's something familiar about it and it suits you.

cats, business, opportunity, look,Social,Network,networks,online,internet,

Do you look like your business opprtunity? Can you also say:

You are your Business Opportunity!

Could it be possible that you are your business opportunity?

about it. You chose a business opportunity not unlike you choose a pet
or a spouse. There's something familiar about it and it suits you. As
you spend more and more time with this business opportunity it is your
better or your worse half! Do you look like your cat or dog? Maybe you
are reflected in your business opportunity as well!

NOW... I have several business
opportunities. I get bored easily. I have three cats and they are all
completely different in temperment, coloring, age etc... I think I must
have business opportunities the way I have pets! LOL

oh no... I've found the explanation to
my voracious appetite  for promoting various and sundry biz ops.  They
all need attention and they give you various kinds of feedback. Some
literally talk back to you like the Social Networks. Social Networks
talk back to you just like my Siamese cross who's also a fiesty Tom

I have a Calico Cat who is shy, hence
the name Shyla and she tends to sleep and hide alot. Not unlike the
programs that are sleepers. They show themselves occasionally and are
quite beautiful like my calico when they do for bringing in an
affiliate or a small sale!

Then there's my eldest cat who is the
matron at 16... She is like my primary online business. Dignified and
still learns new skills!

So how about you?

Do you look like your business opportunity? Any other odd similarities you can draw?

Thanks for reading,

Beth Schmillen
Jan 6th 2008 00:31

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Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Hi Beth,
Many online marketers start out in affiliate programs and then gradually will find they have a Niche market that they enjoy (usually a hobby for them). Once they find their Niche, they will become passionate about marketing it. Which is why many of the mentors and trainers tell you to follow your passion!

Think about it, if there is something you do just to make money, once you are satisfied with the amount you are making, are you going to put as much effort into marketing as you did when you first started? Now, take a look at something you are REALLY passionate about (your cats for example). You will have plenty of ideas for any content you want to create from their antics (I like cats too, BTW) and it is not too hard to find things to sell to other cat owners, you could do a review site for cat toys for example (that you earn commissions from the sales). Just embed YOUR affiliate link in the articles. How hard do you think it would be to create THAT content?

BTW....Did you want the sentence about spending more time with your business to be a statement or a question? I am talking about the IT IS or did you want it to be IS IT?
Jan 6th 2008 10:27   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi BEth

I am not sure about looking like your business - ok if you like cats and are in the cat business, but if you sell ebooks or soup?LOL

Well i sell angels and nativities - does that mean I should be growing wings or looking like the Virgin Mary?

I am not sure about the part about LOOKING like your business - I see you point but it misleads a bit

Jan 6th 2008 15:55   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Well now Jenny I thought I did see a halo....but it was a little crooked!
Jan 6th 2008 17:16   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Now, now Cheryl. I used to have a signature line that said "I ain't no angel - I only paint 'em" but I stopped using it to create a more serious image - so you don't have to TELL everybody!LOL

And has working with Identity Theft caused you to strutt around loking like Beyonce these days? LOL
Jan 7th 2008 18:31   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Hey MKWeb!

that is a great idea about finding a niche market to write for and have the affiliate link for a
product to go along with it...

Cats are my kids these days.... nice to know others have cats too

I looked and looked in regards to your BTW...IT IS or did you want it to be IS IT? and I
managed to scan over it and not see it. I'll look again after I reply to the other folks here!

Jan 8th 2008 00:30   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Hi Jenny,

thanks... i thought it might be a little off the mark for a general article and really not as thought
out as I like to do... either...

Some of us think you're an angel because you're always here looking out for us!

ps.... when do you find time to paint these angels if you're always online? LOL
Jan 8th 2008 00:33   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Cheryl Strut like Beyonce... you go girl !

See now there's the humor in it... maybe i didn't get enough humor into what i was
trying to say

the absurdity of looking like your online business...

MKWeb... i still can't find it... I'll take your word for it and come back when I'm more awake
tomorrow and see if I can edit it a bit!

Thanks everyone for the comments... very much appreciated...
Jan 8th 2008 00:36   
Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
I have to agree with the "passion" part. I have a pet dog, I'd hate to think I look like a dog! LOL
Perhaps if you come up with a different title, Do you Fit your Business? or Does your Business Fit You? Is your Business a Reflection of Who you Are? Something like that! I'm not sure I'd respond to a title about "looking" like my business.
Jan 10th 2008 19:12   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Hi Beth,
It is the forth sentence in the third paragraph of the rewrite section...

As you spend more and more time with this business opportunity it is your better or your worse half!

The title will make or break the entire article. Like MizRae suggested, something a little more 'appealing' to the masses? I mean, folks may like to be associated with fitness, but I don't think they want to be thought of as looking like a vitamin LOL ;-)
Jan 10th 2008 22:51   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
I dont mind looking like an angel! LOL not so sure about looking like the Virgin Mary though.LOL
Jan 12th 2008 15:42   
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