Quality Content Writers Group

The Real Secret

by Rae Steinbrink
Rae Steinbrink Advanced  
"Do you want to know a secret? Do you promise NOT to tell?"

   Call me crazy, but every time I see the word "secret" floating around, I'm reminded of that old Beatles song. Apparently, few secrets are safe these days. For the right price, the "secret" to just about anything can be had for the taking. Watch the movie "the Secret" and you'll find the secret to everything you want in life, including the laws of attraction. Download the latest "PDF report" and you'll get the secret to making money onine. Buy a certain diet pill and it will unlock the secret to weight loss.   

   I did a "google" search and found 8,800,000 "secrets" listed. I saw "the Secret", 1001 beauty secrets, 33 secrets to getting a good nights sleep, guitar secrets, secrets of success, yoga secrets, secrets of Egypt (and quite a few other places), postcard marketing secrets, "open" secrets (talk about your oxymoron), currency secrets, photo secrets, trout fishing secrets, Squidoo secrets, travel secrets, crafty secrets (as in arts and crafts), government secrets, weight loss secrets; the list goes on and on and on.  According to some of the sites I visited, all I had to do was read  "this" book or watch "that" movie, download "the latest" PDF report, take a "magic" potion or join "the" club and I could learn "the mysteries of the universe."

   Unfortunately, all the fancy packaging, creative visualization or positive thinking will not provide the one key ingredient necessary to unlock any of these puzzles. Exactly who or what then is the key ingredient, the common denominator rarely mentioned by any of these programs?

           YOU are the real secret!

   Without YOUR conscientious decision to take action AND your commitment to follow through to completion YOUR action plan, all the knowledge you garner to "break the codes" lay dormant, not really a "secret" anymore but lacking the recognition for true potential.
Jan 4th 2008 20:06

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Good insight Rae, This is another instance of people wanting something to come easy instead of through work.
Jan 4th 2008 20:35   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
The only true secret is one to which you are privvy but are denied the ability to share.

I know many secrets about many people but they are not for public consumption. They may be shared by more than myself but even among the group who know the secrets, they are never, ever discussed.

Once a secret is published, it is no longer a secret and, I'm afraid, anybody who approaches me with anything that suggests they are letting me and a million other people share it, automatically blows their credibility and can guarantee that I will not read past that one word.

I save a lot of time when going through my emails by simply deleting everything that has a subject line including the word 'secret'.
Jan 5th 2008 08:01   
Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
As I wrote this, I thought about the true meaning of the word "secret" and thought about the little boys and girls that SHOULD be sharing their "secrets" !! Talk about a word being so misused!
Jan 5th 2008 14:59   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Misused alright! Maybe we need secret word for secret...Yikes!

Arthur the only email I read are the one's I recieve in my secret email account, with the exception of the few address I haven't got moved out of my other main email...talk about spilling the beans!

Jan 5th 2008 21:03   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Exactly - if you tell someone a secret - then it isnt a secret.

So all these "secrets" that people promise to tell us in exchange for large sums of money or time are not really secrets. I suspect that the only part that is secret about how to make the millions is the secret that they keep LOL
Jan 14th 2008 16:17   
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