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Hypocrit, hypocrit, wherefore art thou, hypocrit?

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
In a local newspaper, recently, someone wrote in to the editor saying how great it was that Tony Blurr (ex dictator of the YUK) had adopted the Roman Catholic faith and come to the true church.

What a pity the power of his conversion was not sufficiently strong to prevent him being a hypocrit for the last year or so of his dictatorship by 'delaying his official adoption' of the creed.

I also wonder why he chose to ignore the pleas of his high priest, the Pope, not to get involved in the phony and totally unjustified invasion of Iraq.

I also wonder why the Roman Catholic church is prepared to accept into its' number a man who has lied, lied again and than obfuscated in order to try to justify his actions. Surely confession and absolution cannot be meant for this degree of disobedience and sin?

On Christmas day I caught a little of the Pope's speech from the balcony in St Peter's square. I was taken aback by the fabulous wealth on display on that balcony. Costumes worn by priests, who have sworn poverty, chastity and obedience to God's will, that could probably have eased the burden of many poor people.

What of vatican City? Where, in any of God's teachings through his prophets on earth is it stated that a great city should be built in His name to house the priesthood that was engaged in political and social affairs. Just how much poverty was created in the general population to build this huge agglomeration of wealth?

Why does the Roman Catholic church add to the misery of its' adherents in the poorest of countries by lumbering them with priests that they have to feed and house and churches that they have to build and maintain?

The wealth of the Roman Catholic church is unknowable since it is a country unto itself and has to make no accounting - but why does the church go so diametrically against the teachings of God?

I have been told many times that the churches are built to the glory of God.

No they are not.

They are built to the vanity of man.

Jesus taught that where ever two or more people were gathered in His name - he would be there. He didn't say they had to gather in some expensively useless edifice.

God taught the we should have no graven images but the churches are stacked out with them.

Just imagine how much more good could be done by the christian churches if they actually fiollowed in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd. Just imagine, if you can, the total wealth that is tied up in real estate and investments in God's name.


Please do not tell me it is to help further His works. His works are furthered only by the generosity of the various congregations giving to collections money some of them can ill afford.

There are some good Christian ministers out there and some very holy men but they are tainted by this worship of Mammon in high (church) places.

I'm quite sure that if God was in His grave, he would be rotating at several thousand revolutions per minute to see how corrupt and disobedient his priests are.

Jesus said His church would be built upon Peter - but I am sure He was speaking metaphorically when he said that Peter would be the rock upon which His church would stand.

As for the true church, that is US. We are the church and it is within us that God speaks - and not just on Sundays. 
Dec 31st 2007 12:17

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Well unfortunately "the church" is made up of human beings. Fallible human beings they are not divine angels sent here to carry on God's work. And don't think the Pope does not have his Protestant counterparts. After all Oral Roberts claimed God was holding him for an $8 million ransom and idiots fell for it. Turn on the television and watch all the televangelists tell you to send them your money while your lights are getting shut off and you are sitting in the dark.

Snakes in the pulpit, that's what they are!
Dec 31st 2007 13:27   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hmm Arthur, as you are living in a Catholic Country I can see that the excessive wealth and indulgence of the humans who run that church are foremost in your mind.

However, I think in the hypocracy stakes, there are very few organized religions who can put thir hands on their hearts and consider themselves free of hypocracy. Whether it be Christian, Moslem, Hindu or whatever the religion you choose., the practices in the names of these relgions are usually a far cry from the theology of the religion.phiosophies are usually

Ironically, I cannot think of any religion that was founded on the basis of wealth greed or power - but that is now what they all seem to represent.
Dec 31st 2007 13:45   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Hmmm...Arthur do you think I could get you to speak to my mother?LOL

All I got to add at the moment is that is some cases I'm sure people wouldn't know anything about God at all if it wasn't for the churches...but then again if the true message was followed we'd all know anyways.

Jan 1st 2008 14:52   
June Mac Advanced   
Excellent write. I am in absolute agreement. God is in the hearts of men and women and is about love and caring for each other not about material wealth in any form. I see no reason to build great churches, but i understand the need in man to gather together in prayer sometimes so maybe the church buildings are useful in this way.

Jan 2nd 2008 04:09   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, all,

I did specify christian churches though it was the obvious wealth of the Roman Catholic church that got me astride one of my favourite hobby horses.

In the early days of religion, the priests were the story tellers. their status was acknowledged only in the reverance with which they were treated and some ceremonial dress. Many religions, today, still follow this pattern.

Jesus walked this earth as a poor man and relied upon others to feed him while He did His father's bidding. His early years are shrowded in mystery but I like to feel that in those years he worked alongside Joseph as a carpenter and earned his daily bread with the skill of his own hands.

He used the temples to teach but these were far removed from the single use buildings of today and there is some debate about the wealth, or otherwise, of the priests of the day. Certainly any claims that they were garnering wealth for themselves would be shaded into insignificance by the rampant greed of many of todays' churches.

I wonder if anybody could actually put a value upon Vatican City, let alone the total real estate owned by all the churches of whatever pursuasion. Has this great wealth got any responsibility for the disillusion of so many people?
Jan 2nd 2008 11:28   
Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
I can only add this: I was raised a Roman Catholic, I went to a Catholic School, went to catechism, went to church every Sunday and no longer believe in any "man-made" religion. I believe as you, that we have the potential to hold the true spirit of God.within us.
Jan 4th 2008 06:41   
Robert A, Falace Innovator   
Cheryl, how weird people buy into that stuff, I just don't get it.
Jan 5th 2008 20:19   
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