APSense's Corner Cafe - Advertising Free Group...

New to Apsense. What's the secret?

by Peggy Breland
Peggy Breland Innovator  

I'm new to Apsense. I have a few questions.

What is the secret to Apsense? How does this website bring me new business and/or affiliates to the other groups I'm associated with?
Dec 24th 2007 00:43

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Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Peggy,

Welcome to the APSense Corner cafe.

I have requested contact and if you accept it I can send you a few links to help you get started.

In the mean time here are a few tips.
The primary aim of using APSense should be to make new friends and contacts.
Earning from APSense should be looked at as a by product.

To reach the primary goal the best way is to get your profile and Business Center set up (the links I will send you will guide you through this)
Then Start your own group and post informative articles both in your group and also as blogs.

Check out the various groups that there are and take part in various discussions that interest you
Build a reputation of being a serious and honest person that people will want to do business with.

Avoid the following
"In your Face " advertising.
Posting Ads in groups where the group description says no advertising.
Dont post ads as comments

You will find that If you use APSense correctly people will come to you.

Dec 24th 2007 01:06   
Susan coils Senior   Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business
Great advice from Bj (as usual). Apsense is terrific for learning and building your knowledge. You get to connect with loads of other people who are all at different levels. some you will be able to help, some will help you.

Whether anyone decides to join your business wil depend on how you are seen within the community. Like Bj says, if you are seen as serious, helpful, committed to your business and your reputation then you will stand a greater chance of folks asking about your business and possibly joining under you.

Think about what you have to offer, not what you can recieve. That's the secret, not just to Apsense, but everywhere else.
Dec 24th 2007 05:16   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty

The secret to Apsense is. . . . . .there is no secret!

This is a place to kick off your shoes, relax in a comfy chair with a steaming cup of what you fancy and relax.

Have a chat.
Spread some gossip.
Ask a silly question.
Ask a serious question.
Answer a silly question.
Answer a serious question.
Comment on an affair of the day.
Comment on a natural occurrence.
Just comment.

Cast your seeds upon the earth. Some will fall on fertile soil while others will fall on barren rocks. From the fertile soil will spring all the benefits of working on line while your own contributions could break down and fertilise the barren rocks.
Dec 24th 2007 08:05   
Elizabeth Deang Innovator   
I started being active here just the other day,i'm newbie and would have thought about getting myself familiar with what is being discuss and the stuffs that we can do within the bounds of Apsense Rules...as we all wouldn't want to go over board or otherwise.But in all sites that we join with,i just focus first on who are the people that i would be with. What could be their interests and do too,before i post a Blog that i'd come up with in a few days.
Bj has given us the pointers and would just have to read them,regarding Apsense,Where to post Ads,Create your own Website,while Lyn posted some topics to be discuss with by her group,related to everyday life situations,family and any topic that is helpful to everyone.
So it's not just Financial stuffs! which is why it's even more interesting to stay here.
Jan 11th 2008 23:32   
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