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This really takes some understanding

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
This is a link to a Cnet forum and a post (one of many) I have made to it.

(start post) It has been a great revelation of the American way of stupidity to see how they clamour to pay for a FREE service.

The four supposedly 'best' answers to this forum all included such rubbish as contracts, installations, boxes, cables ad nausius. It seems to me that the only benefit the answers gave anybody was the opportunity to spout technicalese, regardless of that strange and vanishing phenomenon - common sense

What is so difficult to understand about a free service that is freely available that requires no other equipment than you probably already own, no contract and no monthly subscription?

What is so difficult to understand about letting yourself have the choice between your existing telephone supplier and a VOIP supplier because there is no need to choose either/or - you can have both!

Can somsbody please explain this lunacy? (end post) 

It has always bothered me that Americans are rather innocent in the world of commerce and will accept any old B.S. as long as there is a sufficiency of technobabble to justify any decision no matter how illogical or unnecessarily expensive.

The members of Apsense seem to be a bit more savvy than most so will somebody please try to explain this truly baffling scenario.
Dec 22nd 2007 05:12

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David Schupbach Senior   
Arthur, wish I could answer your question. The same, seemingly 'invsible' problem has haunted me for decades.
The lack of common sense, or inability to think for oneself is truly a shocking epidemic here in america. I believe there may be some validity to the phrase; 'The Dumbing Down of America'. However, mention it to another American and you looked upon as an eccentric, unpatriotic, or old and crotchety....

It really is astounding what you can foist on people if you approach it gradually over a few genrations. Witness the banking system the world has in place today. Nothing of any real value actually exchanges hands. From the gold standard, people were gradually shifted to promissory notes, and from there to electronic transactions, until today, our whole system of commerce is built upon nothing more than a dream!

Dec 22nd 2007 06:04   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Not just the dumbing down of America, but the government's desire to tax everything in existence. Much of the information about free things is not really promoted for that reason.
Dec 22nd 2007 11:01   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Cheryl and Dave,

What I find absolutely insane is that the only response I got to any of my posts was from someone who had been using the free VOIP service for a couple of years and was full of praise for it.


I had visions of them leaping off their chairs when they saw my posts, grovelling in abject terror on the floor while making the sign of the cross with their right hands and spraying holy water with their left.

There must have been some very fervent prayers going heavenwards - "Oh God. Deliver me from this evil. Let mine eyes recover from the foul and rancid humours of the 'f' word and grant me peace to pay."

America, the land of the paid for.
Dec 22nd 2007 14:04   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
I admit to be as equally baffled as Arthur. The VOIP Stunt service is FREE FREE FREE.

It does not cost money. It is free. So I went and checked it out -downloaded and call my son in California and my Mom in England ON THEIR TELEPHONES from my computer FREE.

And I call other peopel and it is FREE.

These are english language programmes. These programmes are easily found on the net.
Why dont people use them in the US?? There is no catch.

I also have some very intelligent friends who still dont know how they work (and they re computer literate

Could someone please explain?
Dec 22nd 2007 14:52   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Jenny,

I hate to say it but the disease is spreading!

Someone in Europe (for decency I won't mention the country except to affirm it was not Spain) has posted how useful all the information has been and they have now surrendered their telephone to a cable company!

First it was women's lib, then it was p.c. and now it is 'don't go for a superior free sevice - pay for an inferior one'. I hope America soon runs out of exports of crazy notionms.
Dec 23rd 2007 05:24   
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