Overcoming Depression 101

When Depression Strikes........

by Jean DAndrea Retired
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Many people have no idea that they are suffering from depression.   They are

listless, sad, have no energy, can't be bothered with anything or anyone.    The

symptoms of depression can also be those of physical illness.

Here are some of the symptoms of depression.    For those of you who would

like something a little more formal, there's a very good checklist HERE

(These symptoms are taken from "Reachout")


Feeling sad, moody or crap

Feeling hopeless or helpless 

Feeling numb or empty

Feeling anxious 

Feeling guilty and blaming yourself

Unable to feel good or enjoy things that you do normally


Being overly self-critical

Believing you can't cope and that things are out of your control

Difficulty making decisions and thinking clearly

Poor concentrating and memory

Thinking about suicide or ending your life


Lack of motivation and energy

Crying a lot

Losing interest in activities you usually enjoy 

Withdrawing from your friends and family or being overly dependent on them

Increased use of alcohol or other drugs

Losing your temper more than usual


Loss of appetite or over-eating

Changes in sleep patterns - difficulty getting to sleep, waking up in the middle of the night or sleeping for longer

Headaches or stomach aches 

Feeling physically sick

Lack of interest in sex

If you, a family member, or friend are suffering from some of these symptoms, it is

well worth seeking professional advice.   

If your friend or family member is thinking suicidally, then you need to tell them that

if they don't get help, you will have to do it for them.

Above all, if someone you know is suffering from depression, PLEASE GET HELP !

You are not alone.

Talking about it will help ease the burden.

Don't keep it to yourself.
Dec 20th 2007 16:38

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David Schupbach Senior   
Very Good checklist!
One of the key ingredients to learning how to Overcome depression, is learning what it is, and what it does to you. To do this, you must have awareness of where you are!
A checklist is an excellent way to do it.

And you must gethelp, even if it's just a friend or family member who will get you out of bed, into your sneakers, and out on your morning jog!

Dec 21st 2007 03:45   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Oh if it was as easy as knowing what's on the list. Sometimes you have to be the one to step in for someone else. Especially when they are in denial about what is happening. So even if you are not suffering from depression yourself knowing what to look for in others is extremely important.
Dec 21st 2007 08:39   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Yes, the checklist can be easily used by a friend or family member.

The two sites I've given links to are both Australian - The first is
Beyond Blue, which is based in VIctoria, and does a lot of good
work with depression. It was started to raise public awareness
of it.
Dec 21st 2007 17:08   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
I also want to touch base with another scary issue. When you are put on medication, if your depression worsens seek help immediately from your doctor. I was put on cymbalta, and my depression worsen. I then became very depressed and landed my self in the hospital with an over dose. Which was because of the medicine I was on. If I would have told my doctor that I was getting worse than better, I would not have felt so alone that this would of happened. I did not 'try to kill myself intentionally'..I actually do not remember doing it..because I was so depressed. I remember nothing about that day..and a drowning myself in a bottle of whiskey had a lot to do with me not remembering it. But immediately after this happened...there had been a lot of cases with Cymbalta, and the sufferers trying to commit suicide, or succeeding.
I am happy to say that I am not on anything since then. That episode scared me to even go there. I was actually doing pretty good before I started on the medication. There are a lot of medications that do work...but like this ....they can make you worse.
Dec 21st 2007 23:06   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
What has helped me in the two years since this..is surrounding myself with loving friends, and staying positive...and to STOP worrying!
I have gotten into 'a few depression' moments since then, but have been able to bounce back out immediately. All I do is remind myself of all the beauty and wonderful things that I have in my life :0)
Dec 21st 2007 23:10   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
Didn't mean to scare ya'll...lol

Really you can read up on the meds...they are really scary.
Dec 22nd 2007 13:53   
David Schupbach Senior   
Jennifer I have a link somewhere about the side effects... Yes they have to try one, see if it works, then try another if it doesn't! Every person reacts differently.

I decided to go with the self-help approach myself, after I found myself with a gun to my head, a shell in the chamber, the safety off, and then couldn't think of 1 single reason to not go ahead and oull the trigger.

I stayed that way about a minute and a half, when my reason finally came... I realized that my baby sister would probably be the one to find the mess, and knowing how much she loved me, I knew it would destroy her!

I also finally realized that what I really wanted was not a way out, but a way to stop suffering and begin enjoying! I knew death couldn't give me that. So... I had to learn what you have just described... Stop worrying, give myself to my friends, find a way to be positive...

Bless you for being a survivor!! Today you are here to encourage us all!
Dec 22nd 2007 14:17   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
Self help has also been my approach. I will never forget that feeling when I came to, and realized what I had done. And the dr came back with the EKG results...and said they were all out of whack..that it might of been to late...it is just 'up to God'.
I did not understand why I did that...I have three wonderful children...but at that time my boss had me so messed up emotionally and then the whole year with my husband trying to kill me, my daughter almost dying....
I just 'lost it'.
I knew..it JUST KNEW IT...that there was only one thing and one person that was going to get me out of it....ME!
My children are my world, just as I am theirs. It was the biggest wake up call I ever had. I had a lot of guilt after that, but then we had figured out that it was the medicine that made me worse than I was to start with.
Yes, we are winners over this..and if there is ANYONE out there having these feelings...it only takes 1 minute to think the good in your life. I don't care who you are...we all have good somewhere in our lives!
Dec 22nd 2007 14:33   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
And you have WONDERFUL friends here to turn to :0)
Dec 22nd 2007 14:34   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Having friends who are willing to listen, and help you through a low time
in your life is great. Without one of my friends, getting over the depression
when it was really bad would have been even more difficult.
She was a great help - just being for me helped enormously.

Remember, if you're feeling down, Talk to someone!

Jan 25th 2008 18:04   
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