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Thoughts While Writing My Christmas Cards.....

by Jean DAndrea Retired
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Since a few people have been kind enough to send me Christmas cards this year,
even though they are aware I don't celebrate, I've been returning the favour.
Each year there are fewer to write, which is sad in a way, but I really don't mind.

Why do we send cards anyway?     Because we really want to?  Because the
people concerned sent them to us?    To remind old friends and acquaintances
that we're still alive?

It seems to me that not too many people have the slightest idea of what
Christmas is all about, really.     It is far too commercialized for one thing.  
Many families get into credit card debt to keep their children happy, and to
keep up with everyone else for presents.    

Hundreds of trees are cut down to create the paper, cards, and toys, etc.,
required to service this celebration of gift giving.    

Many sit at home alone, depressed and sad, because this is one of the worst
times of the year for them.    Others drink themselves unconscious, and call
it having a good time.

Where is the real spirit of Christmas?     Is it really in giving the most expensive
gift you can afford?  Getting into debt?    Overeating on all that rich food?
I don't think so.

It's giving a helping hand where it's needed, saving the unwanted puppy or
kitten from a sad end, visiting someone who has no family, or perhaps
volunteering in a shelter for the homeless.  

If you can't do those things, perhaps a donation to your favourite charity
may be the way to go.

Christmas is, or should be, a season for giving, so this year, let's think of
just one small thing we can do for someone, and make their Christmas
a little better.

Hhmmmm, I didn't know where this was going when I started to write, but
started anyway, and let it go where it wished.     If I forget to say it in the
next few days, I wish you all, whatever your beliefs, a very happy holiday
season.      And remember, let's be careful out there!
Dec 18th 2007 01:11

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Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Well, that is quite a statement you have made there and how appropriate it is when people are sending 'happy holiday' cards to satisfy the pc crowd.

Christmas is an opportunity to get together with family and friends and to renew old acquaintances while celebrating the birth of the son of God if that is what your faith decrees.

Why do we send Christmas cards? Quite simply because we can. It is no more complicated than that. CCs have become the shorthand message for 'you are still in my address book so let me know if you are still alive'.

My two dogs show me that it is Christmas every single day of the year. Their rule of carpe deum leaves no opportunity for a day not to be filled with gratitude, generosity and giving.

CCs are sent out by my wife and family - I do not send them. This year the money I have saved on cards and postage is being used to buy 100kgs (220lbs) of dog food for the AAA animal charity in Marbella.

Happy Christmas everybody!
Dec 18th 2007 11:32   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Good for you Arthur. Christmas has turned into a celebration of excess where we basically get "guilted" into caring for those less fortunate among us.
Dec 18th 2007 13:59   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time

Your the man, you always have a lite side to all you do that to me is very impressive and l love it......
Dec 18th 2007 14:00   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi jean,

I am afraid that I dropped the CC custom when I cam to Spain twenty one years ago. It is not tradition here and it me realise how much time and money it took - when we can keep in touch azll the year round if we wish. And if we see people regularly why send a CC?

In some countries there is such a hulabaloo about sending CCs - whether you should or shouldnt include some one on the CC LIST! or if you are on the infernal CC list. It has become a regular ritual and far from any ideas of spreading goodwil

If Christmas is a season for giving - Arhtur is spot on - with donating to something worthwhile - you may not get your name in lights - but someone will feel better for it.
Dec 23rd 2007 14:24   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Sounds like a good thing to have done, Jenny.
The cards I send now, are purely in response to those I receive.
This year is was down to about 5, and some people I send
ecards to! It's an easy way out, but not too many of those either :-)

Dec 23rd 2007 18:17   
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