How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?

Sixth Sense

by Gerry P. Consultant
Gerry P. Advanced   Consultant
If the program or opportunity is new and the so-called rational processes do not work, I would use my sixth sense or intuition. You win some, you lose some. Try to stay ahead. It is really "no pain, no gain."

Gerry Pira
Internet Marketing Center
Dec 17th 2007 23:09

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Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi Gerry

That might be ok if you have some experience and are taking a calculated risk - but I don't think a bit of the old Due Dilgence does any harm either.

Our instincts are not always very reliable - especially when some of the "professional moitivators" are involved -. especially with MLMs. And I have met a few pros who went with their instinct and nearly ruined their reputations. I have a friend who is a professional marketer who nearly wrecked his career backing a very dodgy MLM - only for a few months - but he then had to back track and try to get his large downline out of it. When I asked him how a pro like him had got involved in such a dubious venture - he just said that he hadn't done his due doligence, but went with his gut.
Dec 19th 2007 17:48   
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