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Now there is truly nothing left to outsource!

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
Well we have truly gone beyond all semblance of sanity.  The population has truly gone off the deep end.  MSN news is carrying the most absurd outsourcing news possible.  The newest trend in outsourcing?  Pregnancy.

That's right, now we are outsourcing to wombs in India!

They even made the inevitable pun, "Wombs for rent"

In America a surrogate mother costs about $70,000 in India you can get the same service for $12,000 surrogate fee and medical costs included.  The "mother" receives between $5,000 to $7,000 the equivalent of 10 years salary for carrying the babies of foreign (American) parents.

And from all accounts it's a profitable business, to the tune of $445 million per year.

Of course there are the critics who claim that foreign women are happily exploiting the less fortunate Indian women.  That it's an attempt to avoid red tape etc.  Lets talk about something a bit more important.  The actual bonding of the child with it's parents.  Believe it or not, mother's bond with that child in the womb.  It's a part of you.  You carry that child nurture it with your own body.  You learn your child's habits.

I know I did.  I could tell when my daughter was calm and when she was agitated.  Tabasco was a big no-no.  The more Tabasco I ate, the more she kicked, stomped and used my bladder for a trampoline.  But every kick and movement made it clear that this was another tiny life that I was responsible for.

There have been studies that indicate that  babies learn in the womb.  They learn the sound of a mother's heartbeat,  They learn the sound of mommy's voice.  Well now that we've outsourced motherhood they won't  be learning that anymore.   Mother's will not be welcoming a miracle of their own body that they have interacted and bonded with over a span of months.

Might as well go out to the cabbage patch or wait for the stork to drop the kid down the chimney.
Dec 17th 2007 21:39

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Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Doesn't anyone want to do anything for themselves any more?

How will they know they have a healthy mother capable of carrying the
baby anyway? How much will the pollution problem in India affect
the mother, and therefore the baby?
Have they all really thought this through? I don't think so.........
Dec 17th 2007 22:09   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I don't know what the world is coming to when we have to hire someone else to have our babies!

I guess the next step is going to be baby factories, just put in your order and allow 9 months for delivery....
Dec 17th 2007 23:23   
Robert A, Falace Innovator   
WOW, that is crazy! When I was carrying Anna, I came to know who she was before she was born. I knew where her hang out place was in my tummy and when the nurse could not find her, I would tell her where Anna was. If Anna got irritated with me, she would pull on my umbilical cord or kick me in the ribs to let me know she was irritated with me. I would sing to her and every night after I felt that first movement I would lay in bed at night (Anna slep all day) for some times two hours and follow her around with my stethoscope and listen to Anna’s movements, some time she would even play hide & seek with me. Every thing is about money and convince today, those little human lives are noting more then merchandise. Want to talk about a weird convince, in Texas, I heard about drive up funerals, now how hideous is that? Why bother even having a funeral? Sure does not show any respect and or love for any one.

Dec 18th 2007 00:05   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
God l had no idea, ouch all l have to say............l understand the need for surrogated mother they provide a wonderful service for a needed couple, but some how l would be left empty if l was her giving up my child ...........Not sure l could do and not sure they also can do it..........l am very sure they always have thoughts about how that child they give birth is doing.........etc.......etc...........this is one messed up world we live in..........seems so complicated, money again will control anything you want.......if you have you can have just about anything you want expcet a few certain things.........you just can't buy.......great points you made....Cheryl
Dec 18th 2007 08:27   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I just can't see letting a stranger give birth to my child. In some cases yes it is a needed service when you have childless couples who cannot conceive. But what I see this turning into is baby farming. You don't want to lose your figure and get stretch marks? No problem just hire someone to have the baby for you.

And it does deprive both mother and child from bonding
Dec 18th 2007 09:12   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
It is quite a horrifying thought, isn' it?

Nearly as horrifying as people who give up their children to Nannies and boarding schools.

I'm afraid you simply have to accept that there are women who want to be parents but don't want to be involved in the process - at ANY stage.
Dec 18th 2007 12:06   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Well Arthur when you get right down to it, some people shouldn't reproduce in the first place. But this is just obscene.
Dec 18th 2007 14:02   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted

"mother's bond with that child in the womb. It's a part of you. You carry that child nurture it with your own body."

You would think that statement would seem obvious...apparently not.
Dec 19th 2007 21:26   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I guess they figure "keeping the figure and avoiding stretch marks" is more important than a miracle.
Dec 19th 2007 21:31   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Cheryl,

I suppose it is an obscenity but then I look at other forms of obscene spending for which people are not criticised

spending $3,000 on a bottle of wine that will never be drunk
buying a huge 4x4 vehicle to take the kids to school
buying a huge mansion in acres of ground and then leaving it empty
buying a vehicle capable of less than 6 miles a gallon and then driving it all over the place
supporting a political party
financing the destruction of our countryside
buying more weapons of mass destruction while we already have enough to kill the world many times over
spending innordinate amounts to discover a way to kill people without damaging property
financing the invasion of a sovereign country
buying any life destroying stories and publishing them - no matter what the significance or importance

I could go on but I think you get my drift.

Being charitable, all I can say about outsourcing babies is that a woman in India will become wealthy and able to support her family and a child will be born who will escape the poverty trap of its mother and, hopefully, live a full and valuable life.

If the putative parents can afford a child this way, I'd rather they bought a child than another four wheeled killing machine. I suppose, in the end, it is amatter of personal choice.
Dec 20th 2007 11:02   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
To me this isn't about spending a large amount of money to purchase some "material" object or possession. This is about tampering with the natural reproductive cycle of human beings. In this case taking out a vital step in the process.

For a woman who cannot conceive, a surrogate mother is a godsend. But in the past surrogate mothers have for the most part had some connection with the expectant parents. So the parents are a part of the pregnancy.

In this case we are hiring total stranger who will never meet the parents and Junior arrives in the same manner he would if he has found in the cabbage patch, left on the doorstep by fairies or dropping down the chimney at Christmas. There is no way to compare the the bastardization of motherhood to materialism.
Dec 20th 2007 14:14   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
This is all rather sad. Recently "surrogate mothers" have been involved with the about to be adoptive parents - but previously - adopted children were generally taken from unmarried mothers at birth and "whisked away". That was the last most of these girls ever saw of their babies.

Nowadays in the west, unmarried mothers get to keep their babies and bring them up. The stigma has disapeared to a large extent. So - there is a problem that there are not enough babies for adoption by childless couples. Most adoptive couples are so thrilled that they can find a baby, that it will not be a major hurdle that they do not know the surrogate mother. Almost back to the old adoption way. i find it hard to believe that all but thte minimum number of women have surrogate mothers to do the job for them, if they have a choice. The few that do, are just as selfish as those men who would never have children if they themselves had to give birth.

I suppose it was inevitable in this consumer age that someone would turn the finding or breeding of babies for these couples into a business.

Sick industry to serve desparate people - but no different than everything else that is going on.in this world.

And as for the "bonding" stuff - great if you can have kids. But the arguements against babies going to anyone else but their natural mothers because of it are the same whether adoption or surrogate pregnancies are involved. They are generally unwanted babies. Those of us who wanted our children and were able to give birth and bond with them are the lucky ones.

And, just one more thing - fertile women are and have always been able to have as many babies as they wish - regardless of whether or not they are fit parents. It is the infertile parents who have to adopt who have to go through the checks and screening.
Dec 23rd 2007 13:24   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Jenny there is something to be said for the "bonding". I know women who absolutely in no uncertain terms did not want children. But over the course of their pregnancy, that attitude changed. Once they realized they were actually carrying another little person there was a paradigm shift in their thinking patterns.

And what of these women who are bearing these bartered babies? What is the emotional toll? Is this deadening their maternal instincts. Will they carry so many babies for others and give them away and then become pregnant with their own child and not be able to bond because they have conditioned themselves not to care?

There is much more to consider here than the immediate having babies issue.
Dec 25th 2007 09:14   
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