The People Group

What Makes A Real Leader?

by Not Here just want my account deleted
Not Here Committed just want my account deleted
This was going to be a blog but then I decided to post it to this group instead.  I would like to see some healthy discussion into the qualities of a REAL Leader, something I am sure the World is short of these days.


What is it that makes someone a true leader?  If you have ever been around network marketing at all you've most likely heard your upline say "I am looking for leaders!"  Maybe you've even said it yourself.  Now this is all fine and dandy except when I hear it from someone who has no clue what Real Leadership is.  The last time I heard my upline talk about Leaders, within a couple of months he strangly decided to leave the company we were with and started with a new one. 

Last time I checked, Real Leaders didn't abandon ship!  They also don't just look at people as numbers like he did.

Real Leaders guide people.  They love their people and stick with them through the thick and thin.  They help their people find Direction, they Lead by Example and put themselves out on the line, at risk I may add, and are always there to help when someone needs a hand.

Real Leaders are Trusted and Respected by many because in essence they earn it.  They ask nothing of others that they will not do themselves!

A Real Leader serves his people just as they in return serve him.  True Leaders always accept and geniunely consider valuable feedback and at the same time never comprimise their standards for truth, justice, honour and integrity.

A true leader surrounds themself with other leaders, are you a leader?  Show us!  Give us your valuable feedback!

Dec 16th 2007 21:44

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Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
Well everyone here at Apsense.......

The author above has and is constantly exhibiting the
Traits of a True Leader.
I can't believe how quickly Garnet jumps on Opportunity, with skill
and follows through with those following him.

But remember why Geese Fly in Formation........

TEAM WORK and the leader this minute wil move to Rear shortly
and a "new" Leader will emerge.

No other way to get a tiny bird across 2,000-3,000 miles alone.
Leaders are constantly changing places and edifying others.

Kudos to Garnet, and so many others of you Stalwarts here at Apsense......

Visit my Blog and see Garnet and Beth Schmillen's example of Leadership.
Click on the Blog in my signature
Dec 16th 2007 21:52   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
I am definitely a leader! I have been told that since I was a little girl.
I lead by the way I want to be leaded! I have some of the best leaders in my organization, that have taught me things that I did not know...and they will continue to teach me. Just as I do for my team mates! I also take my leadership to making sure I stay in contact with all of my customers. Keep them updated with any new information...and even go so far as contacting them to wish them happy holidays. Cause I care...I really care!
Not only did these people sign up for my services, but I plan on serving them throughout their lives! I look into long term, and when you have that...well you have it all!
I also do not just see my biz partners or subscribers as just numbers...they are my friends, and are so very important to me!
I go a little above and beyond (some would think) for those who choose to go with me...but hey...that is me and my business and will make sure they are being taken care of!
I keep my team mates updated (just in case they have missed a call), and all of my team mates and customers know that I am just a call away!
Dec 16th 2007 22:01   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
The one constant I have found is that the one who yells leader loudest is normally the one to fall under friendly fire. A true leader does not blow their own horn, there's no need to. Their actions speak for them. You will see them doing what needs to be done. You will see them not only helping their own but others.

You'll notice people just gravitate to them, they have a quality about then that proclaims that they are a leader. Leaders don't claim knowledge they don't have. If they don't know they will admit it and then go find the answer. They don't say follow me. They don't have to you want to follow them on your own.
Dec 16th 2007 22:15   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
I don't necessarily agree with that Cheryl. People can be true leaders and be very proud of being just that, and it not meaning 'blowing their own horn'.
Yes, many can see and follow just by the persons actions...and their are many that proclaim to be..and are not..actions do speak a lot louder than words.
Just like I am proud to be a leader..does that mean I am perfect? Heck no! But I am very proud of my leadership qualities, and try to instill them into my team mates..children...friends...and so on! And with that they will take those qualities and turn it into their own leadership qualities.
I do totally agree that true leaders don't claim knowledge that they don't have. That shows true leadership when they say....hey I don't know that answer...but I will get it for you! To make sure that the info given is the right info. I really don't know how to take your comment..since right here I am the one 'screaming it the loudest'....
But I am just proud of my qualities, and since the last question was

A true leader surrounds themself with other leaders, are you a leader? Show us! Give us your valuable feedback!

And I know I have shown this....and am giving my valuable feedback

Garnet....yes you are a true leader!

The biggest and the best leader of the world has said 'Follow Me'....many many many times....

Dec 16th 2007 22:34   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
And also to order to be a 'True Leader' has to be recognized within one self that you are! So being proud of who you and and what you are, why not 'yell' it? As long as you can 'show it' and 'prove it'!
Say what you mean and mean what you say!
Dec 16th 2007 22:49   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
There is a big difference in being proud of your accomplishments and screaming at the top of your lungs I'm a leader. Believe me when I say that those who need to shout about it and remind everyone are usually distracting you from their lack of skills. A true leader has no need of a dog and pony show to prove it.

The first quality of a true leader is humility, you cannot serve other's without humility (Remember the story in the bible when Christ washed the man's feet? That was the absolute lowest thing he could have done but he wanted to teach the disciples about humility. He did it by humbling himself). Leaders serve those whom they lead. and without someone to follow, you cannot lead.

Dec 16th 2007 22:52   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
I think a leader is one who is judged as such by his / her peers and not by him / herself.

I also think a leader is a follower who now has his / her own "Following"...

A "Self Confessed" Leader is really nothing more than a glorified follower (sometimes called a "guru")
Dec 16th 2007 22:57   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Well said Cheryl... I didn't read all comments before replying... I like that attitude!
Dec 16th 2007 22:59   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
Oh yes, very familiar with the story. And about humility and being humble.... I would be here for years in going into all that. But you are very right when you say that. And unfortunately there are many that are 'very false leaders'..but all of that is eventually revealed! Pulling the wool over eyes in fooling people into believing you are one thing, comes out in the long run. Just like G's blog that talks about sweeping dirt under a rug for so long..the dirt is going to start showing!

So, lol....for anyone that is reading my comments...I am very proud of my accomplishments, and not screaming (heck I don't even have a voice from being sick) Or trying to distract anyone....or put up a pony show. Leaders do need to surround themselves with Leaders..and my purpose of commenting was to reveal myself to others so we can learn and grow together.


Dec 16th 2007 23:11   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
Leaders do not abuse their followers
. . .for without followers there can be no leaders.
Leaders teach those who serve them.
. . .They are the caretakers of their federation and of their people.
Without people who care there can be no federation.
. . .Leaders are prepared to lead, lead with fairness and love,
while teaching others to lead.

Their power does not come from magic
. . .it comes from the secrets of leadership.
To master these secrets requires time and hard work.
. . .There are no shortcuts, it takes time.
And with time comes the learning and paying the price.
. . .Leaders make decisions and don't put off
because delaying necessary decisions
. . .discourages those who follow them-
They learn by observing the leader's actions and words.

Leaders anticipate risk and are willing to accept
. . .the consequences of risk instead of
turning to the comfort of personal security.

Their instincts become sharpened by experience.
. . .This experience helps the leader develop
skills to carry out their goals.

Leaders never cease to be students.
. . .They never cease to look for new insights
and new methods while preserving tradition.
. . .They master the skills necessary to be effective powerful leaders.~unknown
Dec 16th 2007 23:56   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
And absolutely you have to follow to lead!
I follow many great leaders, teachers, mentors, family, friends...
and also have many great followers.
But how can you be a true leader if you don't recognize your own self in being just that?
And in order to accomplish that, you have to judge your own self! And of course naturally you are judged also from his / her peers. You can't be a leader by following your own self? And how can you lead if you don't see your self as a leader..and by that..isn't that self confessing?
How on earth is that compared to a Guru? Just because one sees and believes them self to be (and this is because of not only their qualities..but their accomplishments as well) how on earth does that make them a 'Glorified Follower'? So you are saying that if they admit or even say that they are a leader...this makes them a phony? I don't know about you...but I know I am not going to follow someone that doesn't know if they are a leader or not or afraid to admit that they are????

I deleted and added to this comment. Now...I am going to
Dec 16th 2007 23:58   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
Effective leaders…

* Have a clearly communicated vision and mission
* Act with honesty and integrity
* Are aware of their own strengths and weaknesses, and rely on the strengths of all team members
* Are optimistic, pro-active, growth-oriented and self-confident
* Take initiative and believe in their ability to make a difference
* Lead by example, encouraging and nurturing others
* Celebrate diversity and are willing to consider other points of view
* Employ thoughtful examination and planning
* Recognize what is out of their control
* Act in the face of fear or adversity

And this time I am really going to bed....ouch...1 am here! Night night!
Dec 17th 2007 00:06   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
So, does that mean you proclaim yourself to be a leader, hackers ?
Dec 17th 2007 02:19   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
No, Eric, I proclaim and proud that I strive everyday to be a 'real leader'. And reminded everyday through my 'peers', followers, and also by my own leaders that this is exactly who I am.
Now, in my first comment I only touched base with my 'business' leadership. But it also is also shown in my qualities in my personal life. Although I am very proud of my success with my business. I am even more proud of the help, friendship and respect I receive and give to others that have nothing to do with 'the business side' of my life.
And in all aspects of my life I am looked up to as being a 'real leader', even in my own personal life. Being a mother of 5 children. And a great friend to many!
I am blessed to have received the main qualities that makes a true leader 'humbleness, humility, inspiration, trust, belief, patience, and not one to judge'....just for starters!
Now does all of this mean that I am on a soap box that I can't get off? Just because one is a real leader does not mean that the person is not human! I will never claim to know everything, be better than the next. I strive to only better my self and be all that I would want to 'have' in a leader. I learn new things each and everyday, and take them in and make changes to ways that need to be changed. That will continue to happen until the day that I die. Now in all of this it seems that I am lacking humility with the I's...but I tell you, my I is for the sake of all others. To inspire, and encourage others to become who and what they want to be! But in order to do starts with I. The best accomplishment I ever have is to help someone accomplish their dreams and goals...and being their true friend and supporter!

Dec 17th 2007 06:46   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Let me give you another perspective. In the military among "officers" are considered the leaders. Let me give you two examples and you decide who the real leader is:

It's below freezing outside, ice and snow have totally shut down transportation and you have to walk two miles from your barracks to duty assignment at the hospital. It's obvious you work at the hospital because you are wearing hospital "whites" You pass two officers half way through your walk and you address them with "good Morning Sir" You've acknowledged their rank by addressing them as "sir"

#1. This officer goes off the deep end demanding you come back and salute them. Even though you are freezing and not wearing the warmest uniform available.

#2 This officer immediately tells you to "belay that order and continue on your way." He then tells officer #1 that it is below freezing, and as long as you addressed them respectfully that's enough. Everyone has their hands in their pockets trying to keep warm and he does not expect you to take your hands out of your pocket to salute him and he damn sure isn't going to take his hands out of his pocket to return the salute."

Now which officer wanted to show off that he was a leader and which one showed concern for the troops even going so far as to ignore a rule that made no sense.

Officer #1 is so concerned with acknowledgment of his status as a leader he does not think about what is best at the time. This is the same type of officer that would demand you salute them on the battlefield, identifying himself as an officer resulting in the enemy targeting and shooting him. Which is the problem with being so busy telling the world you are a leader. Your desire to be acknowledged overrides your reason. You do not adjust to situations and you put yourself and your organization "at risk". While others are targeting you the members of your organization end up catching bullets meant for you.

Dec 17th 2007 08:06   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
As the saying goes - when you are a leader "the buck stops here"

Leadership, as everyone seems to agree here, is not just a title. Your title may give you seniority - but it certainly doesnt make you a leader of men - as Cheryl's example shows clearly.

-If someone is a real leader - you can usually figure it out quite quickly, and they are very often not the people that scream out that THEY ARE IN CHARGE!! (and we are leaving Jenn out of th is whole post - you are lovely and it is not about you kiddo LOL).

Another aspect of Leadership is "responsibility"

Leaders are the ones who often get the greater benefit of success than the "led", but also have to put up with the worst end of the deal (and have more responsibility) when things go wrong.

True leaders are people who understand this. A leader of a business can share his or her good luck - a bonus for all maybe, but not his back luck - in hard times you pay your people before you pay yourself. Leaders may get credit for the good ideas - but they also have to take the flak for the not so good ones and bite their tongues. When you make the decisions you have to live with the consequences and not blame the people who carry them out , when they turn out wrong.

You wouldnt believe the flak that we had to put up with, as organizers, at the Arts & Crafts Fair from a bunch of temperamental artists - and we had to shut up - leaders cant shout back! But as they are all planning to come again next year - we must have done something right! LOl and Yes some of the points made were valid and we can learn and improve for next time. Cos Leaders have to be willing to learn.
Dec 17th 2007 09:29   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
Cheryl that is very understood. And I definitely do not feel that leaders have to be saluted in order for them to be leaders. And for those that do...are completely ignorant.
This is going way out of this world. I blew my own horn...ok that is fine, but again it was out of proud of my accomplishments. In no way was it to bring anyones hands out of their pockets to salute me.
Then I am receiving comments that one who self confesses is nothing more than a glorified follower and so on...
And then being asked to proclaim if I am a leader or not. Why on earth would I proclaim anything other wise when I am leading? If I admit no, what would my followers think....but if I say yes...then I am 'blowing my own horn..and seeing as being self righteous by some that really don't know me in the first place'. So I would much rather continue to give my followers who know me and what I am about and why they follow me in the first place.
I agree and have said that actions are what really and truly makes a leader. Any and everyone can claim to be a leader..but the true leader is in the heart of who they are and how they lead. No, a true leader would not make you take your hands out of your pockets to salute when it is freezing cold. But even with your scenarios, when one is proud of their accomplishments how can that be compared to 2 officers of 1 being humble and the other being ignorant?
In my post I did not say I am a leader...come follow me...i am the way! Bow down to me...there is no one like me!?! I have never been that way and never will be that way! I am one with all my friends, family, and partners. But also I am proud to be who and what I am today (when years ago I was a lost soul with no soul I thought to speak of). And there are many out there today that are feeling that same way. And most times the ones who have been through the wringers make the best leaders..because they have been there and done that and have their heart fully in it!

And keep pointing out as if I was trying to receive attention with other motives involved. I have no need or desire to do that. And once again another blog goes off into a whole nother conversation and meaning and its entire motive is blown to pieces in mid air!

Dec 17th 2007 10:34   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Jenn I have pointed out what makes a good leader in my opinion. I have not accused you of anything, I simply stated my opinion. You have yours I have mine. So as far as I am concerned there is no need for anyone to become defensive.

Dec 17th 2007 10:44   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
And that is great, as always we are very entitled to our own opinions. That is what keeps us alive. I am not being defensive but trying to figure out what all of your meanings are pointing to when your comment of the one who screams the loudest is the one with other motives...directly followed mine when I said I am a leader...which so far I am the only one that has declared myself as being one. LOL. And that is not because I am on a high horse. That is because ...I am building a successful empire, and I know Bill Gates, Donald Trumph and all the successful people out there didn't back down and say....oh no..I am not a leader :0(
I pointed out on several of my comments that I was not sure if you were directly speaking to me..but your replies have just been further explanations of your very first comment. Which I even expressed in my next comment that I didn't know how to take it..since I was the one 'self proclaiming'
Any and everyone that knows me..knows that I am a very helpful, caring, trustworthy, passionate, driven, motivated, and determined person. But even with that I step up and take responsibility to make sure that business is handled, and issues that come about are resolved.

And I know this is a touchy subject with you because of all the comments you have made about the Ebooks. Those that have to publish that they are the REAL Leaders and Marketing Experts..and then want you to fork out hundreds to thousands of dollars...IS NOTHING BUT AN IGNORANT SCAM!!!! If you have to pay someone to find out what a true leader is.....than it is obvious you are in the wrong biz.
Dec 17th 2007 11:13   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
Or in the right biz...but following the WRONG PEOPLE.

Sorry got a call and it threw off my train of thought.
Dec 17th 2007 11:15   
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