Quality Content Writers Group

This Is Impossible!

by Jean DAndrea Retired
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
I've just been surfing a couple of Trafic Exchanges so I can advertise my business.
There seem to be quite a few "opportunities" out there, that seem to be to be
scams, or to be kind, just plain misguided.

For example, I saw an ad for a PTR program which was offering $200 per email.
How can they do that?      No advertiser in their right mind would pay that kind of
money to get their ad shown.    

Why do people sign up with these programs?    Do they really expect to get paid?
This program was offering a sign-up bonus of $ 1000  (I think - something impossible,

Nowhere could I see any information as to whether or not they were paying you
in either Monopoly money, or some other form of currency!  :-)     

Perhaps they pay a percentage of the actual figure instead?    If so, they didn't
seem to publicize it.    

Perhaps I'm missing something here, but how can anyone imagine for one moment,
that they are going to get $200, or even $25 just to read an email?
Dec 15th 2007 21:27

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
there are people so desperate to get something for nothing that they do sign and they do end up losing money or worse their identity. These scams are based on greed or desperation, nothing more. I can't tell you how many I've seen recently claiming to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars by Christmas.

Then you have those who will promote a social network as a means to make a living. APSense so far has been one of the better paying sites but I'm not going to retire of of what they are paying, yet people are constantly posting ads about getting paid to do nothing but play on the internet. They don't tell you that the normal person is not going to get enough per month to pay for a candy bar because they want you to sign so they can up their page view count and hopefully earn enough themselves. And people fall for it.

They are here on APSense seeing the earnings but they will put their faith in a social site. It's utter stupidity. Whatever you get from a social site is additional income not your living people! Wake up and smell the coffee!
Dec 15th 2007 21:42   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Hi Jean,

"but how can anyone imagine for one moment,
that they are going to get $200, or even $25 just to read an email?"

Greed, stupidity, total and complete Lack of imagination, ignorance and desperation could be a few ways....lol

Dec 15th 2007 21:59   
Robert A, Falace Innovator   
There is a lot of junk out there and people do fall for it. it is sad to see people fall for this stuff and end up getting used..

Dec 15th 2007 22:31   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
I guess we've all taken our reality pills :-)
Dec 16th 2007 00:11   
Ben Ferm Committed   Manager
Yup to all of this.

What amazes me most is the fact that many of these icredible well-paying PTR (and PTC's and all of the other similar sites) claim to have thousands of satisfied members,

If this is true, then the stupiditymark should be stamped on us users, not on the ones making those programs.
Dec 16th 2007 02:46   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
What amazes me is the amount of people being on APSense would think that they are going to get rich on a social network. I can't believe anyone would believe that they can sign up today and they will be making loads of money tomorrow. But then again look at how the spam ads we see are worded. It does make it seem like you are going to get a lot doesn't it.

Social networks are tools not businesses except for the founders, and this is their business. They are places that we can come and meet people and build relationships. That's all. any payment is nice but that is not the purpose.
Dec 16th 2007 09:29   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Let me know if you ever get paid..............Jean .........l tried it out just to see what it was all about........guess what l guess my cheque is in the mail or lost in cyber space....if l ever get that money l will tell you.......not going to use for Christmas that is for sure...
Dec 16th 2007 10:35   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
I didn't join so I definitely won't get paid! Know someone who did join one
of these impossible schemes, and she's still waiting to be paid a year later.......
Guess they went broke trying to keep their promises..........NOT :-)

Dec 16th 2007 15:03   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
First of all Cheryl - Thank you for pointing out very clearly the role Social Networking communities play in our business lives.

"Social networks are tools not businesses except for the founders, and this is their business"

BRAVO and Double BRAVO

My views on traffic exchanges and the like are well known. As an advertiser of goods or services - they do not generally find you paying customers. They generate "blind traffice" i.e. clics but not views. And clicks from people dcoing the same as each other - clicking on each others ads to get some pennies. Then you have referrals who do the same and so the pennies add up. But as a serious business - the only ones who make a real business out of them are the owners - and they only stay in business along as someone is willing to pay for advertising in the first place. SO most of them dont last for long if they depend on nothing but clicking referrals to make their money.

I'm been involved with a couple of these programmes - and the manual ones are definately more like real advertising than the auto ones - but it is a very low rate of conversion (or sales) and they are only interesting when you have a company that really has a good track record for sustaining payments for all those clicks and referrals.
Dec 23rd 2007 13:34   
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