Quality Content Writers Group

Show of Hands

by David Schupbach
David Schupbach Senior  

Knowing this group the way I do, I have something to ask of you.....




OK enough with the Smiley's


That's just to keep the subject invisible as this is just QCWG business....

In light of recent events, WHICH WE ARE NOT GOING TO RE-HASH AGAIN, :-) I would like to see each of us take a little time and comment here directly to Arthur Webster.

I personally am addicted to his contributions, and want him to stay with us.  He has been reconsidering...

At the moment, he is still recuperating from his illness, and so is not able to give us much, but we have a lot to give him!

A simple, "Arthur we love having you with us, please stay the course!" would do fine.

Arthur no matter where you take your contributions, there will be more of the same... At least here we have pulled togather a group of like-minded individuals who CAN make a difference!


Update 12/14/07

It's been great seeing all the members who have pulled together on this one--

Like I said, I know this group! 

I am very proud of our contributing membership at QCWG,  and glad to have new members aboard!

I don't always keep up with everything that's going on, but the group just keeps chugging along anyway!!

Great to network with Y'all!!!  D
Dec 6th 2007 20:45

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Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
lol..ok, what is the subject?

Dec 6th 2007 20:52   
David Schupbach Senior   
subject is, don't hit the enter key instead of the shift key! lol

Dec 6th 2007 20:54   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted

Dec 6th 2007 21:16   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Arthur all I gotta say is You are the man! Although I have not known you long or have never met you before in person I am fortunate to have encountered you and learned from the sheer wisdom that is present in your words each and every time I encounter you. What ever you shall decide I will aways remember the impact you have had on me as a writer(well sort of..lol) and as an individual. May good health find you and I hope to see you around soon.

God Bless,


Dec 6th 2007 21:24   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
and just to be clear, that lame "sort of" joke was directed at me as a writer, plucking computers!
Dec 6th 2007 21:26   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired

Please reconsider your considering, and stay with us.
Can only speak for myself, but I really enjoy your posts, and find them
of value.

Thanks for being part of the group!
Dec 6th 2007 21:29   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
This group without Arthur would not be the same... stay with us mate...
Dec 6th 2007 21:40   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Arthur I certainly hope you will stay with us. Sometimes we need to voice of reality just to keep us grounded. I for one hold you in high regard. Mainly because you remind me of my mom. Just like you she didn't take to well to Bull ****! I hope you stay even if it just so you can tell us what it really is we're smelling at times!
Dec 6th 2007 21:44   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
OC (Arthur),
I do hope you reconsider. I personally enjoy the wit, humor and YES! especially the confrontational approach you bring to the group. It gets me thinking about what I feel and think and breaks me out of the robotic trance that sitting in front of a computer 12 - 14 hours a day can put you in.
(Sorry for the edit- Had to change the Point of View to personal when I started answering for all of us) Although I think what I said is the gist of most members in here.

Kinda like "I think I know what you think I said, but do you really think I understand what you meant?"
Dec 6th 2007 23:05   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
This is a bit of a surprise and very much appreciated.

My wife is not allowing me much time on line while she is visiting because she knows that the stress of recent days got to me.

Thank you all.
Dec 7th 2007 01:17   
Dave Thomas Advanced   
Just another stay with us Arthur, I dont always agree with your point of view but I would certainly miss your contributions at least they make me think!!

Best Wishes

Dec 7th 2007 04:22   
Mike Hunt Advanced   

well i`m new here, Cootsy .. don`t leave mate : )

Christopher J.
Dec 7th 2007 08:10   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
Hi Arthur,

I myself have not been active lately but I all I can request is, stay with us please.
Dec 9th 2007 04:01   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Just a quick note of thanks to you all.

My wife has been ruling my on-line time with a rod of iron and has relented today because I have just had a rather bad week-end but seem to be recovering.

Your good wishes have been very welcome and much appreciated.

Dec 10th 2007 13:14   
Robert A, Falace Innovator   
I am new here also. I see the love and respect you have from this group Arthur, and it is very touching. If you leave I have a feeling I will miss out on much wisdom and gut honesty :)

Hang touch Arthur.

Dec 12th 2007 16:57   
Theresa Advanced   
awwww Cootsy!!
See what happens when I am not around much-- sheesh, you simply can not leave us. WE NEED YOU! You have a knack for lighting a lil fire in our brains ever so often...well, at least my brain needs a good thaw now and again.
As for your health, please do get better soon. I miss you!
Dec 14th 2007 19:36   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Where was I when this topic got started? Oh that's right offline at the Arts and Crafts Fair. - but it was a great idea

Judging from today's posts, it looks as if we are not going to get rid of the Old Coot after all! And it seems that Mrs. A has relented.

But sometimes we will have to put up with less of OC, so that we get more later.

I have promised her my unqualified support should he need "ganging up on" to get him off the computer in the future in order to give himself time to recover - and I am sure that she can rely on the rest of us QCWGers to send him messages like - "Arthur, get off the computer NOW - we are watching you" when he is having a bad turn. LOL
Dec 23rd 2007 13:44   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Thanks Jenny - that's all I need, the La Heradura maffia after me.

I have no idea what you have been saying to Judy but she acts like she has 40 Roman cohorts behind her! She who must be obeyed - is getting obeyed, though I did draw the line at going into hospital over Christmas!

Thanks to everybody for your good wishes and very kind words.
Dec 24th 2007 07:31   
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