Quality Content Writers Group

Will you be celebrating?

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Here we are, once again anticipating the festive season and one of the most important Christian events in the calendar.

Food will be bought in huge quantities. Presents will be exchanged. Old friends you never contact any other way will get their annual card. A whole range of joyful and exciting events will be lighting up the lives of all concerned.

and LIVES will be stolen.

Isn’t this the most tragic of all seasons for some lunatic in a motor car to go out and kill somebody? (Please explain to me how a sane person can do this.)

Last year at this time I was brought up short by a small cross on the Ojen road, from Marbella, which had a simple and emotive single word made out of flowers under it. That one word?


When will these bums of the road realise that a driving licence is just that - a licence to drive a motor vehicle? It isn’t a “drink all you like and stay sober” card. It isn’t a divine parchment endowing the holder with God-like powers of omnipotence. It certainly is not a licence to kill. But that is what far too many people use it for.

They go out on the road knowing that they are not fit to drive or they drive at speeds that they or the road conditions are not capable of handling because they are too young and/or too stupid to accept that they could make a mistake.

Too many drivers get away with maiming, killing and destroying families every year,

Why aren’t drunken drivers treated like the scum they are? Why don’t they face the full force of the law in retribution for their crimes? Why are they allowed to face police officers, doctors, nurses and undertakers with the fruits of their insane and reprehensible behaviour?

Only because the law allows it.

Until there are real and punitive penalties for these killers on the road, widows will spend their lives in penuary, children will miss their beloved parents, especially at birthdays and Christmas, parents will miss their beloved children every hour of every day. The killer will recover from his or her hangover and continue to live their life having paid the pitifully small cost imposed by the legal system.

Why shouldn’t a drunken killer be responsible for the welfare of a family from whom he or she has wrested the bread-winner?  Why shouldn’t they be obliged to face the aftermath of their actions in the same way as the police, docors and nurses do?

Why do these killers get away with murder?
Dec 6th 2007 13:45

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Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
It's just the same here, Arthur - Christmas and Easter holidays are the
absolute worst times of the year on the roads.

The police have traffic blitzes all the time, but the message doesn't
get through to most people.

As well as the drink driving tests we now also have drug tests, and the
percentage of people caught with drugs in their system is even higher
than the drinking percentage!
Dec 6th 2007 15:58   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Arthur, after 12 years with the police department I can't tell you how many we arrested for DUI who driving on suspended licenses or business only licenses. Unfortunately taking away the driving privilege doesn't do anything. Unless they cause an accident or kill someone the law tends to be lenient, as it is for most non violent crimes.

Also in the U.S. DUI laws vary from state to state. In Florida for example the 3rd DUI is a felony but only if they driver has been convicted twice before. Some people ore on their 4th and 5th DUI arrests but they have not been convicted due to prosecutor and defense attorney working out plea bargain arrangements. There should be stiffer penalties for DUI's but we need standardized laws first.
Dec 6th 2007 18:22   
David Schupbach Senior   
I agree with your sentiments Arthur, the problem seems to be Common Sense. Those with it don't drive after drinking. There seems to be very little CS left in the world. Wed eve I went to a bar with my wife and 4 of her friends in 2 vehicles. Both had a 'designated driver, and my wife seldom drinks, this night was no exception. She kept the 'drunks' occupied with chatter and etc while I drove.

I was reminded of something as I drove them home. Drunks are a lot more 'fun' when you ARE one!

I think the main problem w/alcohol consumption, is that it removes all of a person's common sense. Add to that, the people who drink and drive must not have much CS in the first place or they would have had a designated driver who didn't drink with them.

The carnage is living testamonial of the havoc that is wreaked when human beings are allowed to operate w/o all their faculties intact. D
Dec 7th 2007 05:50   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Just a little aside - why are so many bars and drinking holes still allowed to have huge car parks?
Dec 16th 2007 15:45   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
I am 100% with you on this one Arthur

"Too many drivers get away with maiming, killing and destroying families every year,

Why aren’t drunken drivers treated like the scum they are? Why don’t they face the full force of the law in retribution for their crimes? Why are they allowed to face police officers, doctors, nurses and undertakers with the fruits of their insane and reprehensible behaviour?

Only because the law allows it."

And the law in most countries treat murder or injury by drunken driving as something different from any other kind of murder or bodily harm.


It could change if we all wanted it to - but I guess we dont.
Dec 23rd 2007 14:29   
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