LCW Group Scam Discussions and Alerts

PayPal email scam alerts

by Bj aka Bill Brown Hosting and Backup Service provider
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service...
What to do if you get a fake email.

If you get a phishing email claiming to be from PayPal

Never click on anything in the email. No matter how innocent it looks

Forward the email to

As soon as you have done that delete it from your email client.

Next go to and log into your account and check the transactions to make sure everything is ok.

If there are any un authorized transactions use the "Contact" on the PayPal site and report it.

What to do if you find a fake PayPal web site

First if you entered any personal information go immediately to and log into your account.

Change your password FIRST, THEN check for any un authorized transactions.

Once you have done this click on the "Security Center link.

Look on the left hand side of the new page, in the box entitled "Report a problem"

click on "Report Fake (spoof) web sites"

Fill in the report form fully and as accurately as possible.

Note I have deliberately made the PayPal urls not clickable.

Please feel free to post any PayPal scam alerts here

I currently do not have any as I have always followed the above steps.

However I will in future, after rendering them harmless, post examples that I get in

Please feel free to do the same
Nov 24th 2007 11:32

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Susan coils Senior   Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business
Please see a partial copy of a phishing mail I recieved today purporting to be from paypal.
this is the 2nd one I have recieved in a little over a week, so I am assuming there is a whole spate of them going on.
I am lucky because the mailing address tehy are using is not my paypal address, so it's obvious to me these aren't from paypal! But, you may not be that lucky.

Please, please, please, ensure you follow the steps above and DO NOT click ANYTHING in the mail.

Your account has been randomly flagged in our system as a part of our routine security measures. This is a must to ensure that only you have access and use of your Paypal account and to ensure a safe PayPal experience. We require all flagged accounts to verify their information on file with us. To verify your information at this time, please visit our secure server webform by clicking the hyperlink below:

Click here to verify your Information

If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to temporarily suspend your account.
Thank you for your patience as we work together to protect your account.

Dec 9th 2007 15:32   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi San,

Yes this is one of the favourites the scammers send out.
As you point out most of the time they send it to emaill addresses that you dont even have registered with paypal.

Just shows thier low level if intelegence in my Veiw.

Dec 9th 2007 15:40   
Susan coils Senior   Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business
Wow, am i popular with paypal phishers or what. Yet another one recieved today.

"Dear Paypal Customer,

This e-mail is the notification of recent innovations taken by Paypal to detect inactive customers and non-functioning accounts.

The inactive customers are subject to restriction and removal in the next 3 days.

Please confirm your account information by logging in to your Paypal account using the form below:"

Dec 16th 2007 03:13   
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