Creating Environmental Awareness

How well informed are you on environmental issues? Please join our debate.

by Janet Matthews Health and Nutrition Writer
Janet Matthews Professional   Health and Nutrition Writer
subject of environmental awareness continues to be high on the political agenda.
People generally want to conserve the earth’s resources, and environmental
issues regularly take a high profile in news reports. We are told that
immediate action needs to take place if we are to save the planet
it is interesting to note that although many people are interested in this
subject very few are well informed. People generally don’t understand what
Global Warming is and even less understand what the Greenhouse Effect is.
Climate Change is easier for them to understand when they see the many natural
disasters around the world, but do they really understand what is happening and
what they personally can do to make a difference?
I would like to offer the subject up for
you understand the more intricate details of these complex environmental
you think we have a moral obligation to find out more?
can we do about these issues on a global level and on an individual level?
thoughts or ideas you may have will be welcome.
see if we can get a lively discussion going
Nov 22nd 2007 10:36

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Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Great topic Janet...

A lot depends on WHERE the information comes from too...
Nov 22nd 2007 13:30   
Dimitra B. Committed   consultant
Very well put Janet,

I wonder too if people really understand what's going on with Global warming. People usually wait their Governments to take actions and they stay inactive.

I expect more people to come and post here, this issue refers to all.

Nov 22nd 2007 13:43   
Isaac Richardson Innovator   
I agree not many people know what is going on in the environment. That's probably because our President, his advisors and key scientist are not certain about the impact either. The experts disagree on the ramifications of our activities on the planet. Some scientist reflect on the increased activity on the sun and point to historical variations of the sun's output, while others look at the inability of the earth to stabilize due to rapidly melting polar caps. Still others say we are dealing with an all together natural event that will eventually result in a global cooling cycle that we must adjust to. Despite all the theories, we must do all that we can to make sure that we contribute little to any result that we must live with and pass on to future generations. We must be conscious of all we do and be vigilant.
Nov 22nd 2007 22:30   
Janet Matthews Professional   Health and Nutrition Writer
Some very pertinent comments thank you. I agree Eric - it certainly does depend on where the information comes from and also on what we choose to believe.

Dimitra I think you are so right to say that people expect the government to take action but are not prepared to do anything themselves. The problem is of course that our governments don't seem to know what to do either. But like Isaac I think the only thing we can do is to be vigilant and at least do something to help to save the planet.

I too have heard about global cooling and something called global dimming which may or may not be the same thing. Apparently global dimming, which is the smog we see in our cities, has actually saved us from the effects global warming. I read recently that there is less of a problem from ozone in the cities, because of the smog, than in the countryside. It certainly makes you think
Nov 23rd 2007 07:38   
Dr. Michael D. Advanced   The UBIEE HQ for Greener Nations
Hi Janet

Great topic.

UNITED NATIONS declared 4 days ago that Global Warming is REAL and goes quicker as expected. So if we want to argue if the UNITED NATIONS are not Real than let argue about Global Warming.

I am a father of 3 Children, I am sure that my Kids will not fingerpoint towards me. SInce I do take action already and I share it with them and teach them about awareness.


Dr. Michael
Nov 23rd 2007 07:59   
Janet Matthews Professional   Health and Nutrition Writer
Hi Michael - It is so important to share our knowledge and are feelings with our children. They are the next generation to live on this planet and they too should be aware of what we are trying to do to make it a safer place fro them to live.

The United Nations Climate Change Conference starts on December 3rd in Bali. We must watch and wait to see what they have to tell us.

Mr. Jose Socrates, the Prime Minister of Portugal, on behalf of the European Union, is reported to have said

“It must be clear that the United Nations climate change process is the appropriate forum for negotiating future global action. In this context, the Bali summit at the end of this year stands as a milestone, where we expect the international community to launch an ambitious roadmap for negotiations and a global comprehensive climate change agreement.”

Watch this space!!
Nov 23rd 2007 10:49   
Megan Appleby Junior   
I think that many people choose to bury their heads in the sand over these issues because a)they are complex and b) they are so overwhelming. A lot of people I talk to feel powerless to effect any real change and are unsure what actions to take or feel that it will cost them extra to go green.

I strongly believe that if we all do our little bit then things will change for the better. And we have to lead by example and spread the word - and keep going even on those days when the issues at hand fill us with despair. I have a blog that deals with this kind of thing - its not a business thing any revenue it happens to gather goes to a charity I have adopted in Brazil - its a save the world sort of a blog ;) If anyone is interested I can post the url . . .

As for whether global warming is real or not . . . I don't think that is an issue worthy of debate. If its a real problem then we need to act - if its not then these actions have not caused any harm and will be making the world a cleaner and more pleasant place to live.

Even if global warming is a figment of some scientists' imagination, the eradication of natural habitat, air and water pollution, the destruction of pristine environments in the name of profit. . . these are all real and the same measures that are touted as the answer to global warming are also the answers to these issues!

Jul 3rd 2008 06:19   
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