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We live an very materialistic society. We want all the latest gadgets, more powerful cleaning agents, faster and larger cars, not to mention easy access to countries on the far side of the world. One could argue that many of these things have enhanced our quality of life, allowing us experiences beyond our wildest dreams, BUT at what cost to our planet earth??

I have started this group to raise environmental awareness , and the above mentioned are only a small minority of the issues we need to be considering in our everyday lives.

Contributions are welcome from anyone who has a genuine suggestion to make or a product that they can recommend to address this growing concern.

I am sure we all want a cleaner earth for our children and grandchildren and although we are not in a position to make the massive changes necessary to reverse the current situation overnight, we are in a position to change the world one step at a time and collectively make changes that will help to SAVE OUR PLANET EARTH before it is too late

Janet Matthews