Business Round Table

What would make you a successful online entrepreneur?

by Teodor M. Blockchain Real Estate
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Hi, for those who
don't know me, I'm Teodor aka CoachT, construction business owner and marketing
consultant since 1992. I am married with 1 beautiful wife, having
together 9 wonderful kids and 7 terrific grandkids, living in
Romania, a country with fantastic landscapes, nice people and bad politicians.
In 2002, since Internet marketing was turbocharged, I’ve switched to online
business. I insist on the best and provide only what I’ve used first, focusing
on: business management, smart investments, writing and
publishing quality content, coaching and webucation for beginners.

Right now I do have few marketing sites published online and also few niche
sites. My marketing sites can help you to find the answer to your online
business questions, so take a look if your are serious about your online
business and don't hesitate to contact me by leaving comments or by mailing me.

Here are few of my marketing sites that can help you at least to avoid the
mistakes I made when I came first online:
After visiting
some of my sites, I'd like you feedback here and an answer to the following
vital question for any online business entrepreneur beginner:

What would make you a successful netpreneur (web entrepreneur)?

Before answering be aware that there is a difference between an online
work-at-home job seeker or commission taker and a web entrepreneur.

Thanks for your answers.
Oct 27th 2007 02:38

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Tina Schraier Advanced   Professional Network Marketer, Affi
Thank you Teodor,

I am an entrepreneur. I have never been a webineur as you call it. I partnered with a co. that has a goal to raise 1 billion for nonprofits as soon as possible. ( we have 30yr goal, but know we will hit it sooner as a team.
I have a website that I need to learn secrets to SEO for ,,, for top submissions. Due to limited budget regarding internet search marketing. I am looking to do this go generate leads for recruiting for the business.
My website is still being completed as we speak, my personal website;
I am working on getting local offline presence in my community via my local newspaper and planning on joining offline business networking groups for more local presence.
I feel that even tho " webineur " I still need to rely on traditional marketing methods for my business presence in my community for success as I am trying to help non profits here locally.

The co. that I am with is

I appreciate any advice you would like to share or information . I believe in the co. that I am with
and know that if I keep doing the right thing, eventually the right things will come.
I also am doing what I love to do, and know that old saying too.
I truly want to help and lead others to success who would love to help the nonprofits of the world also.
I believe this is one of the true opportunities that exists.

If you have any questions about our programs, the co. that I represent, I would love to share it with you as I believe you are influential in this arena.

Best Regards,

Tina Schraier
Where shopping Makes a Difference

Oct 27th 2007 09:34   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Well Coach, I've been thinking and my thinker is getting sore. But I believe an entrepreneur has a vision. That vision is not about money but about implementing the vision. The money is just a by product. So the entrepreneur must have something to offer that they believe in completely. They believe to the point that failure is not an option. What others deem as failure the entrepreneur sees as a stepping stone to success. The failure is a learning experience that brings them on step closer to their ultimate goal.

The entrepreneur is also focused. They nay be involved in more than one venture but the ventures work together to bring them to the goal. Entrepreneurs focus on going in one direction rather than run off half-cocked in all directions.
Oct 27th 2007 10:44   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Hello Tina,
Welcome back! I didn't see you for a while.

Yes Cheryl! Exactly!
"The failure is a learning experience..." it was for me once and now is second time. First I failed with non-profits !! and now I'm fighting with the state and may loose my offline companies, because of BIG burden called taxes, in other words money for making rich the burglars named politicians, most of them here being lazy people who only collect money from those who work...

Now, I'm forced to go online, by this possible failure, this thing should happen earlier in 2002 when I went online first, but didn't. Now will happen for sure! And, if I could be for over 15 years a successful offline entrepreneur, I know I will be online for at least other 20 years or even forever! Here it will take an epoch for politicians to get into it as many of them aren't very smart.

Oct 27th 2007 11:16   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Tina and Cheryl,
I'd love to see your vision and short plan on your online business for the next, let say only, 2 years from now. Just a kind of executive summary, then I'll tell if you have chances to win or need some improvements. It can be kind of exchange plans, so I'll send mine to you if you agree. \
What do you think?

Oct 27th 2007 11:20   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Tina, first impression - your personal website looks very well - but I have to go deeper into a professional review to tell you more. Hope to find some time to review it. However keep going on with your good job and be on guard on what happens here and on my sites, and I know you will learn a lot from what is offered at social networking communities.
Oct 27th 2007 11:30   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
You got it coach, I need to sit down and look at the online side of things since this has always been a "tool" to me.
Oct 27th 2007 11:55   
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