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Self Improvement(Simple but not Easy)

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
Each and every one of us here has a business or are in business. The key to expanding and growing that business is self improvement. It's a very simple thing to do but it is not an easy thing to do. Often when have to take inventory of ourselves and we can find some things there we really don't like. As hard as it is this is a good thing. It allows you to tackle the issue and change that flaw to an asset.

Think of it this way, when you get sick it is because there is some flaw in your body. You visit the doctor who examines you and finds that flaw. He then prescribes a treatment to correct it. But if you don't get the examination, your sickness will become worse.

Self improvement works the same way. If you don't find those flaws and correct them they become "worse". They become so reinforced in your mind as to become concrete, battling them is that much harder. It is important that we remember to look for our flaws regularly, the existing ones and the newly developed ones and prescribe a treatment of positivity.

Feed yourself positive things in the form of books, tapes and mentoring. Let that be your "vitamins" to help prevent you from becoming sick. Negativity is like germs, it will always be there waiting for a window of opportunity to strike!
Oct 24th 2007 15:50

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David Schupbach Senior   
This is SO true Cheryl, whenever my online ventures aren't growing like I expect, or even real world issues don't go the way i expect, I just have to step back and look at what I did, and what I can do better next time.... Good post. D
Oct 24th 2007 19:30   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
I tend not to look for flaws to "fix". I rather look for where I want to go and "what's next".
What's next may be a new daily habit that I put into place or a specific action I take.

Success does come to those who are ready to fully accept it, and we need to know what success is for ourselves.
Many of us say that it is money, however it is very often the "thing" that we believe money would bring to us rather than the money itself.

Determine what that "thing" is and work toward its accomplishment. So many of us are not specific enough with our answer to the question. "What do I want?"
When we stop long enough to answer that question honestly and specifically, then what's next is much more clear.

The next challenge is staying focused on producing that result. So many things pull for our attention, and we are led rather than being the leader.

Oct 24th 2007 20:50   
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