Helping One Another Become The Best They Can Be

As a New Member, what area do you need support with?

by Joseph Botelho Investing One Gram at a Time
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
October 20, 2007

As a New Member, what area do you need support with?

Hello Group,

I am looking for some feed back from this group or any other member who reads this blog. As a new member we all have concerns, questions and information we have no idea how to obtain. If you take the time and think of an area where you need support, not only on this site but in any area of your daily life.

We as a group will provide the feed back that you need no question is a dumb question. The only dumb question is the one you don't ask and keep it to yourself until it's too late.

When l created this group it took me a long time to think of group name that would make sense l though of many different names, none that really made me say hey this what l want to do with my group members. Then at my sons hockey practice it came to me this name HELPING ONE ANOTHER BECOME THE BEST THEY CAN BE after all that is why the kids where practicing to become the best they can be within their ability.

The more they practice the better they become and the more information they learn the more knowledge they have to work with. I call them tools of the trade. It takes 10,000 hours of practicing to become a champion in your field. Think about this they practice only 5 - 6 hours a week. So if we take this concept with everyday life we can also improve our standards of life one step at a time.

Lets face most people sleep around 8 hours a night, you can also learn how to train your mind to learn well you sleep, another topic l will share later this month.

My goal with this group is for each member to learn from one another and really and honestly become the best you can become within your ability and never settle for anything less then the best. This is really the only difference between achieving success and not achieves success it's all about small steps.

We as a group can and will achieve this goal one step at a time, do a little not a lot but be consentient each and everyday of your life.
Oct 20th 2007 10:00

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Lee Poulson Advanced   Health Coach
The last time I got a full 8 hours sleep was one night about 15 years ago. Before that I can’t really remember ever getting a full 8.
I’m ready for any advice on that you have!
Thanks in advance!

Oct 20th 2007 18:56   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Hey when it comes to sleeping l have no idea either how to do that............l just watch my wife and duaghter do no way, l would love to but not we do have a problem........
Oct 20th 2007 20:04   
Rebecca Beasley Committed   Consultant, Web Designer, Script Set Up
Here's one thing that helps me when I can't sleep.\
First of all, if it's because your'e anxious about tomorrow, just remember that all we have is today and tomorrow often turns out differently than we can even imagine, and it's not here yet, so you can't do anything about it by worrying. So just tell yourself to let it go. Let what happens happen. Your sleep is much more important.\
If it's because you are so addicted to the internet, then keep in mind, that people all over the world sleep and the internet might be awake now, but you need to get some sleep and it will still be here later.\\
Make a routine for yourself. A bedtime ritual. Every night at a decent hour, like maybe starting at 8 Pm, take an ice hot bath or shower, put on your pajamas or gown, and make yourself a nice nightcap or glass of wine, or if you don't drink, just make yourself a nice hot cup of herbal tea. If you have any pain make sure that you take your medicine and then make sure that everything is laid out for tomorrow. Get a nice slightly boring book, not too exciting, and don't watch anything on tv that keeps you interested past your bedtime, and for pete's sake..set a bedtime! Don't allow yourself to be up past a certain time of night and give youself at least ten hours before you have to be at work to get to sleep.
If all this fails try Melatonin. It's a natural sleep aid and doesn't make you feel bad the next day. It will make you sleep without waking frequently and you might even get that 8 hours! You can buy it over the counter, just ask your pharmacist.
Oct 20th 2007 20:45   
Lee Poulson Advanced   Health Coach
Thanks so much for the advice.
I suppose I am anxious.
Life is so short and there are so many things I want to accomplish that sometimes it feels like a waste of time to sleep.
I gave up TV several years ago. (I used to sleep with it on)
I will try the melatonin.
Using drugs for pain or sleep is something I refuse to do.
Thanks again!

Oct 20th 2007 22:20   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Hi Lee,

Glad you feel that way no need for drugs o put you to sleep and as for TV l still do the same thing l founded it hard for it to get my full attention put it on and close my eyes as l listen to thing l know l am a sleep but l am not a very good sleeper never have been...............To me when do die l know one thing l will sleep for a very long
Oct 25th 2007 08:41   
Lisa G. Committed   Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
I hope my sleep pattern never changes.

So far so good. I have very restful, deep sleep nights.

If I am really, really excited about something, that's the only time that I get a temporary insomia. Otherwise, I can even drink coffee at night (know that's not, and sleep like a baby. I do recall, the few time I could not sleep, could be really frustrating though. My moms old cure for insomia was a warm glasss of milk before bedtime. Some herbs/herbal can promote a good night sleep too, with no nasty side effects.

Thanks for your supportive words and encouragement. I'm looking forward to learning more in this group. Working behind the computer, can get awfully quite, but it's something that I really do enjoy. It's nice to pop in and visit with all the wonderful people here on APSense.


Oct 25th 2007 13:02   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time

your very lucky, that you have the ability to get a full nites sleep a lot of people like myself have a hard time with it. Just how it is with some of us, no matter what do l just have a hard time sleeping in or sleeping more then 5 - 6 hours a nite, that would be a good nites sleep.....
Oct 25th 2007 13:33   
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