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Article: Rush Hour, Time Zones and Marketing.

by Jüri Hass SEO and SEM expert
Jüri Hass Professional   SEO and SEM expert
by Juri Hass
Creator of 3stepAds - Free AdBlog

Internet is big Community, that knows no borders. It gives every Internet Marketer huge Market of Customers from all the World. Right now, People are uniting to different Social Networks, and Business follows them. Those Social Networks have some specifications and if You wanna market Your Business there, You have to think about it. Yes, the Time Zones are affecting Your Marketing efforts. Why? It's simple. People still live in different parts of the World. The Biggest On-Line Market is in USA, and Canada follows. The Market in Europe, Russia, India and China is also growing fast. So if You are Working at Home and wanna Earn, You must think about Most Profitable Market and target Your Ads to this Market You did chose. Many of You are not in the same Geographical Time Zone.

I'm in Estonia, and I am targeting the US and Canadian Market. There I'm getting Problems. When we here have 10 AM, then the Time in New York is 3 AM. Most of my potential Readers and Customers are sleeping. When I post my Ads or Articles at this Time in Forums, Social Networks, Social Groups and Blogs, they will most likely not reach the Target. Why? Think about, how You are using the Social Networks. After Users log in, most of them are reading the latest Headlines. I do the same and People I know, do the same. Most People do not have Time to read the older posts. If You publish Your Ad or Article when the count of Your target Audience is at highest levels, more People will notice Your Headlines. It means, there is bigger chance, that they will be read and bookmarked and if they will, it means You will get more One-Way links. More One-Way links bring You more search Engine Traffic.

Now about Time, when People are using Internet. People do sleep, work, spend time with Families. That is why Internet has own Rush Hours. It is good to know, when it is happening.

My Sites Statistics are telling me, that those Rush Hours (New York Time) are at 8 AM, from 12 AM until 1 PM, 4 PM (the highest Level of Traffic), 7 PM and at 11 PM. So doing the Analysis of this, people are using Internet mostly before they are going to Work, in Lunch Time, right after Work, and before they are going to Sleep. Here, in Estonia, the People have the same behaviors and I'm convinced, that it is the same everywhere.

I can honestly tell You, that I had more readers to my Blogs, Articles and Ads, when I posted them exactly at those Traffic Spikes. This is happening, because at this Time Social Networks, Blog Search Engines, Social (Bookmark) Search Engines (digg, StumbleUpon, and others) and Free Classified Sites have highest levels of Traffic.

So before You are posting Your Ads or Articles, think about which Country You are Targeting and of course about the Time Zones and Rush Hours. You can Find the Geographical Time Zones here at .

To Your Success,
Juri Hass
Sep 29th 2007 07:43

Sponsor Ads


Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
Hi Juri
Thanks for posting, but I asked for the FULL BLOG. That way people dont have to click on a link to go to another page. You will also get your entire blog seen more this way.
Sep 29th 2007 09:32   
Jüri Hass Professional   SEO and SEM expert
OK. I will post the full Blog. ;)
Sep 29th 2007 09:42   
Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
Thanks a bunch Juri!
Greatly appreciated. I am sure this will help those that are new as well as we "seasoned veterans".
Gave you Top!
Oct 2nd 2007 07:55   
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