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Groups vs Contacts

by Eric Smith Online Professional
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
This may sound like an OM question, but i hadn't thought about it till now.

If i post to a group that has say 10 Members does APsense express only send to those 10 members, All my contacts or All APsense members ?
Aug 18th 2007 21:45

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Chris S. Advanced   Entrepreneur
Awesome question. Thanks for bringing it up.

I got it in Apsense Express and I am not in any of your groups.

Does that answer half of your question?


Aug 18th 2007 22:12   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
If you post to a group....just those group members get it. As it would be a part of their watch list. So when you post here in the apsense group everyone gets it, because everyone is a member of the apsense group when they join the site unless they choose to leave the group. Lynn
Aug 18th 2007 23:24   
Pete Balasch Jr. Magnate I   Internet Marketer Pod caster
Sends to 10 Members
Aug 18th 2007 23:47   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Thats what i thought...

So it logically makes sense to subscribe to any and all groups that are connected to a particular market / niche!

So I guess "Contacts" are the people we contact personally by APsense mail etc,

Are "Bulletins" also sent to our "contacts" or only to those in our personal Network (i.e. those we personally referred to APsense).
Aug 19th 2007 00:03   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Eric,

Bulletins are sent to all your personal network plus your bonus network.

There is no mass notification to your contacts unless they happen to belong to either your personal or bonus network and get it that way.

Aug 19th 2007 00:07   
You are not yet a member of this group.