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I don't see where you can edit your profile or business page

by Gary Goodman Web Designer and Hosting
Gary Goodman Professional   Web Designer and Hosting
I tried to edit my profile because I have changed business websites and I don't see any way to do it.

I looked at my abc center and it shows http: instead of the url in blue. I don't know if they designed it for standard html or no html. I can't see where I can edit it because I don't like it the way it is without the blue links. Can anyone please tell me how to do it.

Thanks, Gary
Aug 18th 2007 18:48

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Pete Balasch Jr. Magnate I   Internet Marketer Pod caster
Click on My Account then click on edit profile
Aug 18th 2007 18:51   
Stephen Brelsford Junior   
just go to your Account at the top of the page
Aug 19th 2007 03:07   
Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
I believe as far as the code goes, they are still using BBC


Aug 19th 2007 06:46   
Lateef Oladeji Advanced   Internet Marketer
Honestly, I was confused, believing that I did not understand your question, since I know that you are much more than a novice that I am. I successfully did my own yesterday by clicking Account, then Edit Profile. By starting and ending my url with the appropriate opening[url] and closing[/url] tags, I found my link blue and clickable. I am sure you are asking for something more advanced than this. Only the deep can probe to the deep in this technical business. I can't claim to be deep in this case, but I follow members' tips and do some trial and error in some cases.
Aug 19th 2007 10:05   
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