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System Suggetions from the technically challenged

by Karen Weir Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Karen Weir Committed Local Internet Advertising...
Hey Apsense! First of all kudos to admin and programmers for all the great upgrades and improvements. We may not all agree on the BEST way to combat spam or encourage quality content, but we are certainly fortunate to have administrators who are open to feedback and implementing member's ideas.

There was a great suggestion made about adding categories, and that has been implemented in Business Centers and blogs, which has made a huge improvement in being able to find topics of interest. I'm not sure the reason categories haven't been implemented in Group Discussions, but I for one would like to see it!

It has been said that providing categories for products would require a new system, and I have no technical expertise at all, but am wondering if product categories could be implemented in the same way that the blog categories were? When you add a product or service, if there was a drop down menu to select a category, that would make "shopping" at apsense a possibility.

Thank you Apsense for continuing to listen and improve!

~ Karen ~
Aug 18th 2007 11:49

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Margaret Elmendorf Senior   
I think that is a great idea. I would love to be able to look around and visit the sites where I might do some business.
Great idea.
Margie Elmendorf
Aug 18th 2007 12:36   
Rusty Rose Advanced   
A drop-down shopping menu listing the products (by category) for sale by all the members is the "WOWEST" idea I have ever heard of. Could that possibly be implemented? APSense would then become one big shopping center, wouldn't it? But then, wouldn't it be convenient? Suppose you heard of a program that you wanted to become a member of---you could find it at APSense and join through one of our members. Suppose you're looking for a script (I'm looking for an "easy to use" banner rotator script right now) and you could find it through the APSense shopping categories and purchase from an APSense member---or you need to buy a birthday gift for someone, or house-warming or wedding gift-you could buy it through an APSense member. The possibilities are endless. Is this possible?
Aug 18th 2007 12:40   
Susan coils Senior   Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business
Have to agree with this others. think this is a great idea Karen. Hopefully, the powers that be will look into it. As another 'technically challenged' individual, I have no idea of how difficult or easy it would be, but I am sure there are folks out there who could do the doing!

Aug 18th 2007 12:52   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Look at how quickly they implemented the signature file idea! We are in a good place here folks... a very good place!

Aug 18th 2007 13:17   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Karen,

The question of product categories was raised in another thread about categories and answered by Kristian.

He said it was a consideration for the future.

Aug 18th 2007 14:16   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Hi Bj, yes, that was my question that Kristian responded to. The difference here is that I am asking if the categories could be added into the ABC as we are adding our products/services, I assume using the same technology as the blog categories. As I have said I am technically challenged, but I believe that because of the way my former question was asked, Kristian was thinking it would require an entirely new system.
Aug 18th 2007 14:42   
Wesley H. Advanced   Computer Tech

We now have Group Directory
Aug 19th 2007 22:08   
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