Few men get hot and bothered discussing matters of contraception and infection prevention, but men should try to keep in mind the fact that responsibility and a high level of comfort can be very sensual traits. No partner wants to deal with a man who grumbles, sighs and laments the use of barrier protection; one might as well tell his partner right off the bat that he’s not planning to enjoy himself. And nobody wants to have an awkward conversation about lovemaking history or protection preferences, but those conversations are important for female organ and manhood health, and they don’t need to be awkward. A man who brings knowledge and ease to such topics can start things off on the right foot.

The following are important things to discuss before engaging in sensual activity with a new partner:

Back-Up Method 

If a man’s partner is female, he may want to know if she uses another form of birth control, such as the tablet or the Nuva ring. Barriers can break or slip off; though it’s rare when they are put on correctly – something every man should be very skilled at – it’s still possible, and the couple may be more comfortable if the female partner has a back-up contraceptive method.

Infection History 

Many people have had one or more partner-transmitted infections in the past. Some people still have active infections, whereas others have been treated and cured. Be honest.

Testing History 

Sensually active individuals should receive regular infection testing, at least once a year. This is true even if no symptoms are present, as some people don’t exhibit symptoms of infections but can still pass them on. It’s important to understand that not all infections can be tested for, so even if no symptoms are present and tests have come back negative, there’s always a chance of passing something along. That’s why barriers are never a bad idea – they don’t prevent the spread of all infections 100%, but they go a long way to inhibit transmission.

Previous Partners 

Many people like to discuss how many previous partners each has had. Some prefer not-so-specific information, focusing on a general feel for how many, and a number for those with whom one has had unprotected activity in particular. Good questions to ask are: Have previous partners had partner-transmitted infections before, during or after their time together? How many partners since the last round of infection testing?

What If? 

Whenever two people are sensually active and wish to avoid getting pregnant, it’s a good idea to ensure that both are on the same page concerning what to do in the event of accidental pregnancy. One partner might be strictly opposed to the pregnancy being completed, while the other might want to keep the child or go the adoption route. A disagreement here could turn into a major life problem for both partners. This is something best discussed before it has a chance to occur.

Safe lovemaking is one of the primary elements of male organ care. Others include practicing proper hygiene and making sure to give one’s member plenty of exercise. In order to ensure everything is in good working order, guys should perform self-checks regularly. Anything out of the ordinary? How is the skin condition? If a man notices dry, chafed skin, he should attend to that. Cracks in the skin can provide a welcoming home for viruses, bacteria and fungi. Also, constant friction can cause the skin to toughen, reducing sensation over time. Men would be wise to use a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to moisturize the skin daily, protecting it from the various frictions it encounters from barriers, clothing, other bodies and a man’s own hand. Skin health, along with safe lovemaking, is a vital component of overall manhood health.

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites. 

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