The average medicine cabinet is full to bursting with all sorts of lotions, potions and cremes that can be used to attack pain at the source. Some ointments are designed to heat up on contact with the skin, for example, allowing sore muscles to relax and unkink. Other lotions can be used to take the sting out of a burn or keep blisters from forming. While these formulations can be quite helpful for all sorts of skin ailments on the rest of the body, men who use them to combat male organ pain could be heading down the wrong path for male organ care.

Delicate Skin

Most ointments sold in pharmacies have been tested for use on the skin that covers the hands, feet and face. These tissues are exposed to all sorts of abuse, from weather to bruising, and they're often subject to nasty burns and deep cuts. An ointment applied to minor injuries to the skin’s surface can do a significant amount of good.

An average male organ, on the other hand, spends the day tucked inside of a man's pants, making only a few appearances now and then. These cells are rarely abraded by clothes, and they're hardly ever exposed to the wind or sun. As a result, they're sensitive and delicate, and when they do sustain an injury, harsh cremes could do yet more damage, resulting in burning, redness and pain.

In addition, the very tip of the male organ provides an entryway into a man's body, and the tissues in this opening are even more sensitive than the outer manhood skin. Exposing this tissue to topical ointments made for other parts of the body can result in stinging pain and swelling.

Gentle Approaches

Rather than reaching for the first tube of ointment that comes to hand, men with male organ pain should take a more balanced approach. They might begin by:

1. Thinking about how the pain came about. Was soap to blame? Or some type of physical activity?

2. Determining whether the pain seems serious enough to merit a trip to the emergency room

3. If the discomfort doesn't seem life-threatening, determining if a doctor might have good answers

4. Using oral medications like aspirin to block signals of pain

5. Applying ice wrapped in a towel if oral meds don't seem to help

Typically, with gentle care and the help of a doctor, most forms of male organ pain can be quickly resolved. In addition, focusing on prevention in the aftermath of an injury could keep these incidents from recurring.

Men who developed pain in response to a specific product or a specific action might find prevention relatively easy. As long as they never, ever put their bodies in the same position again, they shouldn't have the fear of pain lurking in the background. But those men with mystery pain might find it helpful to nourish and protect the delicate skin of the male organ. By keeping the tissue healthy, they may avoid future episodes of agony.

Men can work to maintain adequate male organ health by keeping the manhood clean and using the appropriate protection for whatever activities they happen to be engaged in, whether outdoor athletics or sports of a more intimate kind. Applying a male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) may also help to protect the delicate manhood skin and to boost its resistance to disease. These products contain a proprietary mixture of vitamins and minerals that can keep the skin flexible, responsive and strong, so it can shrug off minor injuries and uncomfortable episodes with ease. With regular applications of this particular creme, and a strict avoidance of other OTC creams that could cause lasting damage, men can take control of their male organ health. 

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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