All men spend a considerable amount of time handling their tools, even if they occasionally go too far and experience a bit of male organ pain. Intact men are no different, but they have the added bonus of mixing their "hoods" into the male play. The more creative among them engage in all sorts of prepuce games, often with pleasurable results; but care needs to be taken to ensure that male organ health is not compromised in prepuce play pursuit.

Games people play

Many of the games that intact men play are the same ones that cut men play, such as "male organ ring toss" and "male organ sword fight."

But there are some games, or variants thereof, that are unique to the intact man. A few examples would include:

1. Male organ surprise. The intact man decorates the head of his male organ; perhaps he colors it blue or puts a smiley face on it. He then slides the prepuce over it and asks his partner to guess the color or the design. (For more fun, penalties can be established for each wrong answer: for one wrong guess, the partner must stimulate him manual. For two, perform oral contact. For three, experiment with a new position, etc.)

2. Gotcha! A man retracts his prepuce; his partner, meanwhile, stands a few feet away with a water gun and tries to dampen the exposed head. The intact man must try to cover up the head before it is hit by a spray of water. (There are many variations, such as attempting to simply touch the exposed head with the hand before it is covered up.)

3. Boyz in the hood. Although this particular game has undoubtedly been around for millennia, it was popularized in 2010 when American shock jock Howard Stern had a contest in which two intact men raced to see which one could stuff more M&Ms into his prepuce. (The winner claimed an astounding 50; the loser was far behind with a still-impressive 27.) Seeing what can be hidden underneath the prepuce is something that many bored guys have a go at; however, as should be obvious, this game comes with the  significant danger of getting something stuck under the hood.

4. Hide and seek. This is a variation on "boyz in the hood." The difference is that the man with the prepuce closes his eyes while his partner (very gently) hides something underneath the prepuce. The man then tries to guess what it is. (As with male organ surprise, this can involve penalties for incorrect guesses.) Just as with the previous game, there is considerable risk involved here.

Is the danger worth the risk?

Because the male organ can be easily hurt, it's always worthwhile assessing the risk-benefit ratio before indulging in any of these games. Certainly, the last two have a very obvious drawback: an object might become stuck inside the prepuce. In some cases, it could require medical treatment to remove, and that's something all men would rather avoid.

Even if items do not get stuck, having a foreign object lodged between the prepuce and the male organ can cause irritation and soreness; in some instances, ingredients in the object could cause an allergic reaction.  

It's certainly wisest for a man to take very special care with his male organ, whether intact or not. If playing games goes beyond fun and causes soreness, itching, redness, irritation or other male organ pain, it's important that a man seek appropriate treatment. Part of that treatment should involve the use of a high quality male organ nutrient formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). The better formulas include ingredients such as acetyl L carnitine, the neuroprotective qualities of which may help restore male sensitivity damaged by some of these rougher games. The wise man also selects a formula with vitamin A, for its antibacterial activities, and with shea butter, for its moisturizing capabilities, from which an overworked male organ definitely would benefit. 

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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