Are You Taking the Wrong Pill?

A business man... to his IM Pharmacist...

I just had this prescription refilled here today...

But when I got home, I Noticed the pills looked different than the
ones you've given me in the past for this prescription...

I know you sometimes switch manufacturers of generic pills and
they will often look different, but I want to make sure these are
the correct pills for my prescription.

IM Pharmacist... Let's see... Well, you can rest easy... These are
the correct pills for your prescription.

Business Man...That's good, so the the pills look different because
the Manufacturer Changed?

IM Pharmacist... No, the pills look different because the old pills you were taking were the wrong pills.

End of story.

If you don't get it, well you just don't get it. Business is not for everyone.

That being said, ARP does get it and offers a simple solution.

All that's required is to purchase traffic with-in the system to generate cash flow for any business. Let the system handle it.

Systems work... Start recruiting your SMS pills.

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The future Wave in Marketing.


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