Kettlebell Kickboxing is a female only workout. It has a new approach to fitness that takes strength training exercises of kettle bells and mixes them together with martial arts motions you find in boxing, kickboxing, mixed martial arts & more! 

When combined, the result of such a mix is a fat burning, strength training and a cardio experience that is one of a kind, tiring and effective. The results from this type of workout are fast, noticeable & long lasting! It also mixes together cardio, plyometrics, resistance & strength training through it’s style.

In 25 minutes, users can lose 500 calories with Kettlebell Kickboxing.
In 1 hour, users can lose 1,000 calories with this program.

That’s how effective it is! And there is no program in this world that gets those kinds of results, that quickly! 

The workout itself involves a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) form of training with 1 minute workouts & 30 second breaks. Each minute you do either a kettle bell workout, then a 30 second rest, then a plyometric/cardio workout, then another 30 second break, then a combination of a kettle bell & plyometric/cardio workouts, and so on and so forth…
The fitness program was created by professional fitness and martial arts instructor Dasha Libin. Dasha has years of experience in both fitness and martial arts and used this knowledge to create Kettlebell Kickboxing

Now the program is gaining tons of attention, from locals, the media and more! Every single day, more and more people are signing up to join Kettlebell Kickboxing classes at her and her husband’s school: Andersons Martial Arts Academy located in New York City. Although the most common are women only classes, men’s classes are also hosted. In fact, many times, classes are SOLD OUT!

Because it became so popular, the Kettlebell Kickboxing DVD was released and has sold over 1,100 copies in its first few months. Out of that number, there have only been 3 refunds! That’s less than a 1% refund percentage! This program is getting great reviews from not just class goers, but the media.

Here are a couple of very good links in which Kettlebell Kickboxing is discussed which you can use to get a better idea of how it works:

Here are a couple of actual Amazon reviews of the program: &sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescending

Here are a couple of very informative Youtube videos which show the workouts of this program:

Inside The Product

Kettlebell Kickboxing is a physical product. It consists of a 4 DVD set which also includes a clean eating guide and also Dasha’s VIP newsletter which provides those who purchased the program excellent fitness and dieting tips.

The most important part of the program are the DVDs. Each DVD comes with a different version of the workout to train different parts of the body. Here is a summary:

Each DVD features a 25 minute workout with an optional 10 minute warm up and cool down stretch. Users can mix any of the 4 DVDs below in any order and do them 3 times a week. It’s recommended to take a break the next day after doing a workout.

Part 1: POWER.
Arms, Glutes, Inner Thighs, Obliques.

Total Body Fat Loss.

Part 3: LONGEVITY. Lean Legs & Midsection.

Abs, Arms & Glutes.

Also featured with the product is a bonus booklet that contains:

Advanced & Beginner Modifications

Eating Guide

Measurement Tracker

Workout Plan

Each DVD workout provides 500 calories of fat burn. Users that wish to lose a 1,000 calories have to complete 2 DVDs in any order. This is a very tough thing to do, but one things for sure: It’s extremely effective, it makes you sweat, it burns fat and it sculpts the body.

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