With life being as busy as it is, you want to make sure every workout counts, right? Try following these tips for making your precious exercise hours count.

Be sure to change up your exercise routine often. If you perform the same exercises day after day, your body will get used to them and will no longer be as challenged. If you switch up your exercise program, you’ll challenge your muscles in a new way, which will result in more calories burned and more muscle built.

Prevent injury at all costs. If you vary your exercise program, you won’t wear out your joints or overdevelop one muscle group at the expense of another. You’ll want to engage in at least three different types of exercise each week, for example, biking, kickboxing, and playing tennis.

Incorporate both weight lifting and cardio into your fitness program. Try to engage in resistance training twice a week and cardio three to five days a week. Pamper yourself in between weight lifting sessions so your muscles can repair, and make the most of your cardio sessions by alternating fast and slow paces.

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