I remember it like it was yesterday, I'm busting my butt cranking out blogs and

affiliates and didn't have a clue about analytics, what they were or why I needed

them. What a fatal mistake that was, one that I would pay for dearly. Trust me when

I say that I've made all the newbie bonehead mistakes for you.


Most of my blogs are to assist the newbie but if you're an online pro and need a

crash course on the things you forgot you're welcome too. If I can save just one

person a dollar or five minutes of time management, my work is well worth it. I've

lost thousands of dollars and what adds up to years of time being hard headed.

Here it is cut and dry with no ice, if you're not using analytics in your marketing

arsenal how in the world are you supposed to know where your traffic is coming

from, the date, time, country or anything else? How are you supposed to know what's

clicking with potential clients? Duuuuhhh.


The bottom line is that there's no way you can be successful without analytics,

there's no excuse because there are a ton of free analytic tools out here including

Google. Its impossible to see the results of your SEO and hard work without some

kind of analytic tool, you can't survive without this kind of data to see where

your traffic is coming from.


In closing, you'll have to teach yourself to tweak your marketing campaign if

you're to survive in this game, things are moving way too fast for you to

constantly be on the learning curve, my motto is to learn, impliment, test, test

results, evaluate, and adjust where needed. It never ends because the internet is

learning as we sleep and getting faster.


Internet Marketing is not for the faint of heart or quitters, don't listen to these

Guru's, get a mentor and LISTEN. Remember, a Guru is not programed to give you the

whole puzzle, only part of it. They're wired to keep you on their list and or hook

so you can stay in a perpetual buying mode. They work together because there's more

of us than it is of them, and the Sheep can never know what time it really is.




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