Big data analytics refers to the use of data management systems to derive useful information from the wealth of raw data that businesses are inundated with. This is truly the era of information as a source of power and nowhere is this clearer than in the world of business. The majority of companies that are operating in today’s cutthroat business culture have realized the best way to get an edge on the competition for them is to use their data well. This has led to data gaining a truly prominent place within the overall structure of the business world. 

Predictive analytics is the use of these data management systems to monitor and track movements within the business world. The dynamic nature of the business market means that there is a need for every company to ensure that they can stay ahead of the competition. This branch of big data analytics aims to do that by using market information to detect undercurrents in the way the market evolves and grows. These undercurrents usually demonstrate themselves in the form of trends and patterns in consumer behavior, competitor actions, and overall market sentiment. These are easier to detect when using big data management platforms as they are likelier to come out clearer in large data sets. There are a number of significant benefits that accrue to companies that are able to use these systems to handle their data. 

First, these businesses gain an inside track on the functioning of their market segment. The most powerful tool that any business can acquire is an intimate understanding of how their marketplace operates. This is invaluable as it enables them to detect places where investment is likely to pay off and places where there is less likelihood for a good return on investment. This enables the business to fashion their products and services in a manner that the market is certain to respond. A business using these systems is not taking too large a risk when they invest in a new product or service as they already have the information as to how the market will respond. 

Secondly, predictive analytics has immensely reduced the logistics that were present in handling consumer research. This used to be a highly resource and time intensive undertaking for any company. This was because of the overall intricacy of the work involved; however, these tools have reduced the time taken as the information business already has can be used as a research tool. 

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