Prospect Geyser is just 6 members away from reaching 10,000 members. I very positive it will reach this in the next couple of hours. It will be very exciting for that 10,000 member and for the person who sponsor them as Janet will have a very special surprise for them.

What is Prospect Geyser?

Prospect Geyser is a very powerful tool that will send organic leads to the website of your choice. All your have to do is fill in a few blanks and your done (you can get it done in a few short minutes).

Enter some keywords like like Google ad words and check out what happens. They get entered into the RSS newsfeeds. Google, Yahoo, and MSN pick them up and you get organic leads. These are leads from NEW internet marketers, not the same old people.

So this is easy, do it.

If you would like more information and get your FREE leads, just go to and sign up.

Michael Camire
Skype Me: pratbirdman

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