As you probably know, there are many groups at APSense, for discussions on speciic topics. For example, there's a group about photography, another for laughter, one about SEO, another about backlinks, etc... In fact, in some cases, there are many groups on a given topic, since members create a group not knowing about the existence of the other, or simply because they want to create their own group.

If you want to share more than text in a group, there are 3 possibilities:
  1. Add link
  2. Add video
  3. Add Amazon item
In the case of the link, it is the URL to a site, any site. It can be your referral link to a program.

The "add video" is awesome in its simplicity. It works perfect with YouTube. I haven't tried it yet with videos from other sites. For YouTube, no need to get the embed code like we used to. Simply get the ordinary link, click "add video", post the link, then write some text in the new group post, click share and voilà! Anybody can do that, no need to learn about HTML. The other members of the group will receive a notification that you created this discussion, and if they are interested, they will comment on it.

The "add item" works the same way as the "add video". You choose a product sold at Amazon, you copy the URL of the product page, then you click "add item", paste the URL, write some text ( it is required ), click "share", there you go. If it's a book, you see the cover and an intro to the book.

For more information, see the APSense Wiki, where I put videos to help members learn to use features at APSense. See here.

Note: the image you see is a draft of my logo, please let me know what you think, it was created thanks to Selya ( username Rollins at APSense ), she created a Talent, you'll find it here.

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