Many of you know that we now have an official fan page on Facebook.  Thanks to the fans  that already liked us and all the new fans that will be liking us in the future!

As one of the admins I want to let you know that you are not just limited to liking us.  Yes we love the 'likes' and the wonderful comments you leave for us, but this is also a way to give us feedback.  Join in or start discussions by clicking on the discussions tab.  We've already got one there to find out what our members think of the different tools we have available at APSense.

There is one point that need to be addressed up front. Our fan page is to discuss APSense.  It is not for advertising your businesses or recruiting for your biz-ops.  For this reason our fans are not allowed to add links or videos to our fan page.  The adding of links and videos is limited to admins only.  Fans may add personal photos, start discussions and make comments.

Discussions that promote biz-ops, products or are intended to recruit other fans to buy your products or join your biz ops will be considered as spam and immediately removed.  

We want everyone to enjoy our fan page so these steps have been taken to be sure that our fans can come to our page, interact with us and with other fans without wading through masses of spam posts.

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