I learned a lot from Guerilla Marketing in my early years online, its a pretty good site to learn from whether you're new or have been online for awhile. Its a unique technique of how to approach your online marketing that has been around awhile with great results. Below are a few things I learned from this technique.


1. I learned how to look at the Marketplace like a battlefield, there are marketing battles and price wars going on all the time in the marketing world. The trick to winning the Marketing war is to win without fighting.


2. Anything worth having is worth fighting for, you're probably wondering how to do that without fighting like I did and I'll show you what I mean.


3. I do my best to get new products to the Marketplace before my competition does


4. I attack the Market with products and niches my competition overlooks


5. I never attack established products and services, they already hold a fortified position in the Google rankings.


6. I don't get into price wars, I can't play that game with the big boys


7. I cut out the middlemen whenever possible, affiliate programs can be considered middlemen that's why I have a Primary business. My Primary business can be considered a middleman because I don't actually own it either but I get a bigger piece of the pie with it


8. Be first in the battlefield, the first to market gains the advantage because while you can be attacked by other companies they be fighting an uphill battle and you'll have the advantage.



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