The other day I was asked what strategy do I use in my Marketing scheme and after

careful thought my answer was, my strategy is choosing what not to do. The

marketing competition is getting fierce out here because people have so many

choices, thats why I think I made the correct choice in getting involved with a

company that had a Shopping Mall, I have the ability to give people more choices.

Instead of telling prospects what my service and products are, I tell then what

they aren't, the human mind is insecure and people want to keep things as simple as

possible. I believe that a lot of Marketers problems are that they spend a lot of

time trying to change people's minds. I try to have a point of difference in my

sales strategy, I figure If I can't do that, I'd better have a low price.


I was also asked about how I handle my competition and my answer to that was, I get

to know them, avoid their strenths and exploit their weaknesses. I suppose you

could say that business and marketing is a form of War, I'm ex-Military and I plan

my attack like a military operation with surgical strikes, I learned in the Army

how to flank my enemy and I learned early on online about guerilla warefare

marketing. I don't have a goal, I have a direction. Remember, Its better to be

exceptional at one thing than good at many things, I know the power of blogs,

articles and press releases and I use them well, Google loves fresh content and

they will reward you well for it and its all organic and free.


When I learned Guerilla Marketing it taught me that all I had to do was to be

better than the competition in one thing and I could build my strategy around that

core expertise, never forget that once you take the time and effort to become an

expert in a specialized thing that people will always give you more credit than you

deserve. Don't try to be an expert in everything, position yourself as the

specialist otherwise its just an excercise in futility.