We should have a Bill Of Rights For Newbies, actually we do, its called (TOS) or

Terms Of Service on Marketing sites. Don't get me wrong, we were all guilty of spam

at one time or another, especially in the beginning. I didn't have a clue and

wouldn't listen to anyone so I was a loose cannon myself but the longer I was

online and began to see how annoying spam could be and how instead of gaining

respect I was gaining enemies, I began to see the light. Below are some tips that

serve me well in my online travels and feel free to use them. This isn't only for

newbies but for those online vets that feel a sense of desperation at times and

stray from the path of common sense.


. Never ever leave your link on someone's comment box, if you want to welcome

someone or whatever, do just that, welcome them.


. You'll get more respect if people get a chance to go to your profile themselves

to see what you're involved in.

. Get involved in the Marketing site you've joined, why did you go through the

process of joining a site and filling out a profile only to spam the living

daylights out of the members?


. Don't get an attitude when someone pulls your coat to your spamming ways, we're

only trying to help you because we see ourselves in you and have been there and

done that. Trust me when I say that you really don't want the owner of the site or

the Admin. to send you one of their special e-mails. They'll be nice at first but

if you persist in your spammy ways I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll get

your feelings hurt and banned from the site.


. Google saves things forever and when a customer or prospect Google's your name

and they will, you don't want them finding all kinds of nonsense about you.


. Last but certainly not least is my all time favorite, just because someone speaks to you does not give you the Green light to go on a spamming campaign to them, I can't think of anything more annoying than just saying hello and the next thing I know I'm getting a sales pitch and 20 links from that person.


. Learn the true power of Relationship Marketing, this is a new era in Network

marketing and the old ways of Marketing just don't work anymore, get a clue and

listen to someone. Below is the service and product I learned from and Me and

others still go back to this manual to this day for our refresher course when we

find ourselves leaning to the dark side. The program is named, Magnetic Sponsoring by Mike Dillard.


The manual can be downloaded online or sent by mail. I have the manual myself.

Trust me when I say, this will be the best money you've ever spent online and its

affordable as well, sure I'll make a few bucks from the sale but you'll get more

out of it than I ever will.




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