Sometimes, I see comments that are negative in articles. That's ok, if it's constructive.

But, if you attack the author personally, like saying what he does is crap, or he's a moron, an idiot, or you hate him so much you would not invite him to your birthday, I suggest the author of the article or RevPage deletes these types of comments.

If  the person who wrote the hateful comment wishes to show to everyone that the author doesn't know what he's doing, he can express it in a Private Message ( PM ).

To simplify my article here, let's say Joe is the article author and Bill hates him.

Bill can send a PM to Joe. Of course, if Bill blocks Joe, then Joe would not be able to respond to Bill's PM by sending a response in another PM. In that case, I suggest that Joe blocks Bill, so that Bill has to comment in public. Then, since Joe has full control of his own articles and RevPages, he can delete Bill's comments as it is his right to do so, if Joe feels his articles and RevPages are ok.

Then, Bill has no choice but to write his own articles to denounce Joe's practices, and the other members can decide by themselves who's right.

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